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Course documents

Programme specifications

Art, Illustration and photography (AIP)

Digital and Virtual Design (DVD)

Product and Interior Design (PID)


Accounting, Economics and Finance (AEF)

Business Management (BMAN)

Marketing (MKTG)

Education (EDU)

Teacher Education (TEDU)

Geography (GEOG)

Health Sciences (HSCI)


Please see Integrated Masters programme specifications on the undergraduate page.

Literature (LIT)

Creative Writing (CRWR)

Publishing (PUB)

Film and Screen Studies (FILM)

Media Production (MEDP)

Music Production (MUSP)

Music (MSIC)

Acting, Drama, Theatre and Dance (ADTD)

Politics and International Relations (POLI)

Religion and Philosophy (RPHIL)

Psychology (PSYC)

Counselling (COUN)

Social Work (SWO)

Masters by Research