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Staff Profile

Ann Jones

Senior Lecturer and PGCE Primary University Centred Programme Lead

Profile image of Ann Jones

I came to York St John University in 2002 (returning to my native part of the world) after teaching for 15 years in primary schools in London working with all age ranges from Year 1 to Year 5. I built up a wealth of experience working with children from diverse backgrounds and with a wide variety of Special Needs especially those with hearing impairment. During my time in school I was curriculum coordinator for English, maths, PE, creative arts and Senior Teacher in charge of induction, staff development and ITE.

I trained to become a teacher by completing a 4 Year B.Ed. Hons degree at Nene College, Northampton specialising in Dance and Physical Education. Since being at York St John University I have gained my Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice and completed my Masters in Educational Improvement, Development and Change.

At York St John University, I have taught a wide range of subjects including Geography, English, PSHE and PE on undergraduate and postgraduate programmes.

I am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a member of the PSHE Association.




My current teaching is mainly within Professional Studies modules. I work on undergraduate Year 1, Year 2, Year 3 and university centred and School Direct PGCE modules. I also teach PSHE within the PGCE programme. I supervise PGCE research students and am a Link Tutor.

I am PGCE primary university centred programme lead and school experience director for PGCE SE3. I am academic tutor for PGCE School Direct programmes.




I am currently researching into the discrepancy between the final summative teacher grades of male and female PGCE students.