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Degree apprenticeships

Degree apprenticeship vacancies

We train staff from companies across the country through our growing portfolio of degree apprenticeships.

Business owner looking through student work

We currently have no open vacancies with our partner employers. Please follow our social media channels to stay updated with the latest vacancies.

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At York St John University, our goal is to create an environment where our people can flourish. We value and promote equality, humanity, and social justice within and beyond our students' time with us.

Before we begin recruitment with employers, we make sure they are aware of our policies on:

We expect employers to replicate these standards with their own company policies and, in the spirit of partnership, share these values to ensure fair and equal recruitment. Recruiting the best talent into an apprenticeship means accessing the broadest network of talent available. We work closely with employers to ensure the diversity of candidates. We make sure that opportunities are given to all, equally.

Apprentices at York St John University have access to the same services as all our students. This includes support from our Wellbeing support and Disability support teams. Our student services teams offer guidance to all our diverse student communities.

Staff trained by York St John work in a wide range of fields, including: 

  • NHS Trusts and other health and social care providers
  • Financial and insurance businesses
  • Manufacturers
  • Energy suppliers
  • Police forces
  • Local authorities
  • Government departments

We work with employers to understand and develop their learning and development needs. We support their apprenticeship recruitment opportunities.