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MetaLearn AI Innovators Research Group

This research group is led by Dr Rebecca Balasundaram and Dr Gayathri Karthick.

MetaLearn AI Innovators Research flourishes through the exploration of innovative ideas and experimentation, immersing itself in the forefront of MetaML (Meta Machine Learning) advancements to manifest the envisioned future.

In a world rapidly converging with the metaverse and the boundless potential of artificial intelligence and machine learning, the MetaML Innovators group emerges as a dynamic hub for forward-thinking visionaries and technology enthusiasts.

At MetaML Innovators, we're driven by a shared vision: to explore the frontiers of the metaverse and harness the transformative power of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. Our mission is to pave the way for a future where these groundbreaking technologies redefine how we live, work, and interact with our digital environment.

What we do:

  • Innovation Galore: We're all about pushing the boundaries of possibility. Our group thrives on ideation and experimentation, diving into cutting-edge developments in MetaML (Meta Machine Learning) to create the future we envision.
  • AI mastery: We believe that AI is the cornerstone of the metaverse. Dive deep into AI research, development, and applications with experts who share your passion.
  • Metaverse exploration: Explore the metaverse's infinite realms, from virtual worlds to augmented realities. Join us in shaping the metaverse's evolution, making it more immersive, inclusive, and extraordinary.
  • Thought leadership: Share your knowledge and gain insights from fellow futurists. Our community fosters thought leadership through discussions, workshops, and presentations.
  • Global connection: Connect with like-minded individuals from across the globe. Collaboration knows no boundaries, and together, we're shaping the future of technology on a global scale.

Whether you're a seasoned AI expert, a metaverse enthusiast, or simply curious about the limitless possibilities at the intersection of MetaML, MetaML Innovators is your platform to learn, collaborate, and shape the future.

Get in touch

Ready to embark on this exciting journey into the future with us? Join the MetaLearn AI Innovators Research Group, and together, we'll turn our dreams of a metaverse powered by AI and ML into reality.

We welcome new members and PhD students with research interests in the following areas:

  • Pushing the Boundaries of Meta Machine Learning (MetaML)
  • Solving Complex Real-World Problems
  • Enhancing Model Efficiency
  • Interdisciplinary Collaboration
  • Ethical AI
  • Education and Outreach
  • Industry Partnerships
  • Quantum Machine Learning Integration
  • AI for Social Good
  • Continuous Innovation 

Research activity

SAAR Projects:

Creating a Chatbot in Crypto Wallet Using User-Centric Design and Figma Tool"

This project aims to explore integrating User-Centric Design principles and the Figma tool to enhance the user experience within cryptocurrency wallets. This project aligns with the school’s activities in the fields of technology, design, and user experience, and it presents a unique opportunity for York St John University to contribute to the advancement of digital innovation and provide significant benefits to both students and the broader community.

Teachable Machine Using Mixed Reality: A New Educational Paradigm

The integration of artificial intelligence (AI), augmented reality (AR), and virtual reality (VR) technologies is revolutionizing educational paradigms. This abstract presents a pioneering project that explores the transformative potential of combining Google's Teachable Machine AI with mixed reality environments. By fusing these cutting-edge technologies, we aim to create an innovative educational framework that promises a more engaging and immersive learning experience for the Master level students, at York St John University, London Campus.  

In this project, we leverage Teachable Machine's capabilities for learning the Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) function to develop AI-driven educational tools.

QR Projects:

Learning in a Virtual World: Making Education Fun!

Principle Investigator: Dr Gayathri Karthick
Co-Principle Investigator: Dr Rebecca Balasundaram

In today's world, Universities are using more online tools, especially due to COVID-19. We want to make learning more fun and engaging by using something called the Metaverse, which is like a virtual world from video games. In this virtual world, students can be characters, called avatars, in their classrooms. They can do exciting activities and learn while having fun. Teachers can change lessons in real-time and give feedback tailored to each student. This helps students think better and adapt to new things, which is important for their future jobs. We plan to implement the Machine learning (ML) approach and apply ML algorithms. By working together, teachers and tech experts can create amazing learning experiences for everyone.

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for Prediction, Risk Assessment, and Enhancement of Womb and Fetal Growth to Mitigate Premature Birth of Babies

Principle Investigator:  Dr Rebecca Balasundaram 
Co-Principle Investigator: Dr Gayathri Karthick

Premature birth is a complex and multifaceted problem with numerous contributing factors, making early prediction and effective risk assessment a challenging endeavor [3]. Traditional methods rely heavily on clinical assessments, which may not capture the full spectrum of underlying factors leading to premature births [4]. This results in missed opportunities for intervention and prevention. Therefore, a comprehensive and data-driven approach is required to accurately predict, assess risks, and intervene effectively to mitigate premature births.

Group members

Dr Rebecca Balasundaram

Group leader, Lecturer

Dr Gayathri Karthick

Group co-leader, Lecturer

Dr Sahar Ahmadzadeh


Haroon Sihan
