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Quality Gateway

Validation and Revalidation Process

Whether you are validating a new programme or re-validating an existing programme, the process and paperwork are the same.

Timeline for the Approval of Programmes

The Strategic Portfolio Committee agreed the general principle that programmes should be validated at least nine months prior to the start of delivery in order to maximise both recruitment and the time available to address operational matters. Timelines for the approval of full business cases and the completion of the validation process for undergraduate and postgraduate awards can be found in the following document.

Timelines for programme approval and validation (PDF, 0.1MB)

Change to Revalidation Year

Requests to change the planned year of revalidation should be made using the following form.

Change to Revalidation Year request form (DOCX 36.9KB)

The Stages of Programme Approval

See below for more detailed information, and related documentation, on each of the stages.

Strategic Portfolio Committee 2023-24 Paper Dates and Deadlines (docx, 16.6kB)

School Portfolio Plans (SPP), which include the title(s) and year of entry of proposed new programmes, are considered by the Strategic Portfolio Committee (SPC). Once SPPs are approved, the proposals for new provision can progress to the business case stage.

Following approval of the Concept Summary, Marketing colleagues support proposers in the drafting of web content in preparation for the publication of programme information on the University website 'subject to final approval'. Templates for undergraduate and postgraduate provision are available which reflect the requirements of the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA).

Content Template for the Website - Undergraduate (DOCx, 26.3 KB)

Content Template for the Website - Postgraduate (DOCx, 24.3 KB)

Completed forms should be submitted to

The Business Case, developed by the proposing School, provides information on resource requirements and must be completed with input from Professional Services Directorates, including technicians where programme delivery has technical input, to ascertain the impact of the new development on central University services.

Following approval by SQP, the Business Case is submitted to for consideration by SPC for approval to proceed in respect of strategic direction, sustainability and growth. Approval of the business case allows the programme to be marketed 'subject to validation'.

Full Business Case for new programme developments (docx, 68.1 kB)

If, after business case approval by the Committee, changes need to be made, these could be approved by either SQPs (for minor amendments, such as month of entry) or by the Committee (for major changes, such as change to an award). This follows a similar procedure to programme amendments, which can be considered by SQPs for minor amendments, or by QSC’s Programme Amendment Scrutiny Panel, for major amendments. Please refer to the definitions of amendments.

For programmes approved under a collaborative validation partnership (not franchise provision), the following business case templates apply:

Programme Development Business Case - Collaborative Validation (Docx, 45.6kB)

Programme Development Business Case - Collaborative Revalidation (Docx, 47.7kB)

A member of Registry's Academic Quality Support (AQS) team will be allocated to support portfolio developments. The AQS project co-ordinator will arrange a Process Planning Meeting (PDF 0.2MB) to agree validation timelines and outline the support available, including reviewing documentation prior to submission to the Compliance Meeting.

Following approval by SQP, programme proposal documentation is submitted to for consideration at a YSJU Compliance Meeting (PDF 0.2MB). The Compliance Meeting considers proposals in terms of meeting YSJU regulations and aligning to YSJU academic practices. The meeting will agree one of the following outcomes:

  • the programme(s) are compliant and can be released to proceed to the External Approval Event;
  • identification of areas requiring action or further consideration;
  • the programme(s) is/are deemed unable to continue.

A post-Compliance Meeting can be held with the proposing team to discuss the outcomes. Subsequent amendments to the documentation must be signed off by SQP prior to Compliance Chair sign-off.

Following the YSJU Compliance Meeting, programme proposal documentation is considered at an External Approval Event (PDF 0.2MB) which provides independent external scrutiny by subject experts and further consideration by YSJU colleagues. Remote virtual events are held by default unless there is a specific reason for an in-person meeting e.g. PSRB requirement. The Approval Panel will agree one of the following outcomes:

  • approval of programme(s) with no further action required and the identification of features for commendation;
  • approval of programme(s) with conditions and/or recommendations and the identification of features for commendation;
  • non-approval of programme(s) in relation to external sector benchmarking.

At the end of the event, the programme proposers are informed of the outcome by the Panel Chair.

Documentation amended in light of conditions and/or recommendations must be signed off by SQP before being reviewed by the AQS Event Officer and Panel Chair for recommendation for approval to the Quality & Standards Committee (QSC).

Recommendations for approval made by the External Approval Panel will be forwarded to the Chair of the QSC for final approval by Chair's Action.

Once signed-off by QSC Chair's Action, the programme is formally approved and 'subject to approval' can be removed from marketing materials.

A Guide to Programme Approval Documents

Templates and other guidance documents can be found above and in the: Tool Kit: guidance, forms and templates

The role of each document

  1. School Portfolio Plans provide key information needed for a strategic decision about whether a development can proceed to the Business Case stage.

  2. Business Case provides the strategic rationale for the programme and outlines the resource requirements (i.e. why York St John University should include the programme in its academic portfolio);

  3. Programme Specification is written in a student-friendly form, providing the basic statement of the proposed programme (i.e. what the programme is);

  4. Design Narrative provides the commentary on the programme (i.e. why and how the programme is as it is), plus additional necessary information for quality assurance;

  5. Module Specifications provide essential information about each module; its title, credits, level, aims, assessment, plus its learning activities and indicative content and link to programme learning outcomes

  6. An operations manual, for collaborative provision only

Academic Framework

The 11. Academic Framework 2023-24 (PDF 0.1 MB) sets out the design and delivery principles for programmes at the University and applies to all programmes leading to an award or credit. It aims to provide a consistent approach and to minimise structural complexity to provide the best and equitable student experience of the learning, teaching and assessment at the University.

Principles of Assessment

The University's overarching view of assessment has informed the Principles of Assessment (DOC 37KB) which are key considerations in the development of new programmes and the way students are assessed at the University.

A Note on Programme Aims and Learning Outcomes

There is reference to the Programme Aims and Learning Outcomes in both the Programme Specification and the Design Narrative. However, in line with the information above, these sections are asking for different content:

Programme Specification

A list of the Programme's aims and learning outcomes (i.e what they are)

Design Narrative

A narrative to explain how the aims and learning outcomes were designed and how they support students in understanding the emphasis of their programme and the development of their learning.


External Panel Members and Data Protection

Data Protection at York St John University

Privacy Notice External Examiners (DOCx, 24.6 KB)