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News article

Message of support following earthquakes in Turkey and Syria

Published: 07 February 2023

Lord Mayor's Walk building

On behalf of colleagues at York St John University, I want to express how deeply saddened we are by the impact of the recent earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. The unfolding tragedy faced by those in both countries is felt by us all.

This is a very worrying time for students and staff who are affected by the emergency, particularly those who have family and friends there.   

We have written to students from the region to acknowledge this difficult time and to offer the University’s support. If you or anyone you know needs someone to talk to, please feel free to contact the University wellbeing team via

Our University Chaplain, Rev. Jane Speck and her team are also available via to support those of all faiths and none.  

Our thoughts are with all those impacted by these events and we will continue to support any students or staff affected by the crisis. 

Professor Karen Bryan  
Vice Chancellor, York St John University


Ways to support

The Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) has launched an appeal to help those affected by the crisis.

By donating to the Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal, you'll help DEC charities provide vital medical care, emergency shelter, food and clean water.

Donate via the DEC website


Contact us

Communications team

York St John University, Lord Mayors Walk, York, YO31 7EX

01904 876 466

To contact us out of hours, phone 07812 365 499