Staff Profile
Professor Helen Sauntson
Professor of English Language and Linguistics, REF Unit of Assessment Lead
I am Professor of English Language and Linguistics and Director of the Centre for Language and Social Justice Research at York St John University. I teach on the BA English Language and Linguistics and the MA Postgraduate Linguistics programmes.
My main teaching and research interests are in the areas of classroom discourse analysis; language, gender and sexuality; language in education; gender and sexuality in education. I have published widely in these areas (see Research and Publications section below). I am co-editor of the Palgrave Studies in Language, Gender and Sexuality book series and the Cambridge Elements in Language, Gender and Sexuality book series.
BA (Central England), PGCE (Birmingham), PhD (Birmingham), SFHEA
- School – School of Education, Language and Psychology
- Email –
- Phone – 01904 876 880
- Postgraduate Research Supervisor
Further information
- BA (Hons) English Language and Linguistics
- BA (Hons) English Language, Linguistics and TESOL
- BA (Hons) Japanese, TESOL and Linguistics
- BA (Hons) Korean, TESOL and Linguistics
Professional activities
- Book series editor: Cambridge Elements in Language, Gender and Sexuality (Cambridge University Press)
- Book series editor: Palgrave Studies in Language, Gender and Sexuality (Palgrave Macmillan)
- Editorial board membership of the Journal of Language and Sexuality
- Editorial board member of the Gender and Language journal
- British Association of Applied Linguistics Executive Committee member
Sauntson, H. 2019. Researching Language, Gender and Sexuality: A Student Guide. London: Routledge.
Morrish, L. and Sauntson, H. 2019. Academic Irregularities: Language and Neoliberalism in Higher Education. London: Routledge.
Kjaran, J. and Sauntson, H. (eds) 2019. Schools as Queer Transformative Spaces: Global Narratives on Sexualities and Genders. London: Routledge.
Sauntson, H. 2018. Language, Sexuality and Education. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Sundaram, V. and Sauntson, H. (eds) 2015. Global Perspectives and Key Debates in Sex and Relationships Education: Addressing Issues of Gender, Sexuality, Plurality and Power. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
Sauntson, H. 2012. Approaches to Gender and Spoken Classroom Discourse. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
Harrington, K., Litosseliti, L., Sauntson, H. and Sunderland, J. (eds) 2008. Gender and Language Research Methodologies. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
Morrish, L. and Sauntson, H. 2007. New Perspectives on Language and Sexual Identity. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
Sauntson, H. and Kyratzis, S. (eds) 2007. Language, Sexualities and Desires: Cross-Cultural Perspectives. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
Book chapters
Sauntson, H. Forthcoming. Reflexivity and the production of shared meanings in language and sexuality research. In S. Consoli and S. Ganassin (eds) Reflexivity in Applied Linguistics Research: Opportunities, Challenges and Suggestions. London: Routledge.
Sauntson, H. Forthcoming. Gender and sexuality. In L. Wei, Z. Hua and J. Simpson (eds) The Routledge Handbook of Applied Linguistics. London: Routledge.
Sauntson, H. and Borba, R. 2021. Silence and sexuality in school settings: A transnational perspective. In J. Stern, M. Walejko, C. Sink and W. Ping Ho (eds) The Bloomsbury Handbook of Solitude, Silence and Loneliness. London: Bloomsbury.
Sauntson, H. 2021. ‘Befriending’ risks, vulnerabilities and challenges: Researching sexuality and language in educational sites. In C. Cunningham and C.J. Hall (eds) Vulnerabilities, Challenges and Risks in Applied Linguistics. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
Sauntson, H. 2021. Queering TESOL in international learning contexts. In L. Pakula (ed) Linguistic Perspectives on Sexuality in Education: Representations, Constructions and Negotiations. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
Sauntson, H. 2020. Language-based discrimination in schools: Intersections of gender and sexuality. In C.R. Caldas-Coulthard (ed) Innovations and Challenges in Language and Gender: Women and Sexism. London: Routledge.
Sauntson, H. 2020. Changing educational policies: Language and sexuality in schools. In L. Mullany (ed) Professional Communication: Consultancy, Advocacy, Activism. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
Sauntson, H. 2020. Queer theory and language and sexuality research. Routledge Handbook of Language, Gender and Sexuality: Theory and Method. London: Routledge.
Sauntson, H. 2019. Challenging gender- and sexuality-based discrimination in UK schools: Young women’s experiences of illegitimation and resistance. In J.I Kjaran and H. Sauntson (eds) Schools as Queer Transformative Spaces: Global Narratives on Sexualities and Genders. London: Routledge.
Sauntson, H. 2016. Language, sexuality and education. In S. Wortham and D. Kim (eds) Encyclopedia of Language and Education Volume 3: Discourse and Education. New York: Springer.
Sauntson, H. and Sundaram, V. 2015. Discursive silences: Critically analysing the presence/absence of sexual diversity in the Sex and Relationships Education guidance for England and Wales. In V. Sundaram and H. Sauntson (eds) Global Perspectives and Key Debates in Sex and Relationships Education: Addressing Issues of Gender, Sexuality, Plurality and Power. Basingstoke: Palgrave. 100-114.
Sauntson, H. 2015. Sexualities equality and diversity training in UK schools: An appraisal analysis of teachers’ reflections, attitudes and experiences. In A. Jule (ed) Shifting Visions: Gender and Discourses. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge Scholars Press. 168-190.
Sauntson, H. 2015. Coming out stories. In P. Whelehan and A. Bolin (eds) The Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
Sauntson, H. 2015. Coming out. In P. Whelehan and A. Bolin (eds) The Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell. 197-200.
Morrish, L. and Sauntson, H. 2011. Gender, desire and identity in a corpus of lesbian erotica. In B. Scherer and M. Ball (eds) Queering Paradigms II: Interrogating Agendas. Oxford: Peter Lang Press. 63-81.
Sauntson, H. and Morrish, L. 2010. Vision, values and international excellence: The ‘products’ that university mission statements sell to students. In M. Molesworth, L. Nixon and R. Scullion (eds) The Student as Consumer and the Marketisation of Higher Education. London: Routledge. 73-85.
Sauntson, H. and Morrish, L. 2010. Performing sexual identity through spoken discourse. In B. Scherer (ed) Queering Paradigms. Oxford: Peter Lang Press. 27-47.
Sauntson, H. 2009. Classroom discourse. In L. Cummings (ed) Routledge Encyclopedia of Pragmatics. London: Routledge. 63-65.
Sauntson, H. 2008. The contributions of queer theory to gender and language research. In K. Harrington, L. Litosseliti, H. Sauntson and J. Sunderland (eds) Gender and Language Research Methodologies. Basingstoke: Palgrave. 271-282.
Sauntson, H. 2007. Education, culture and the construction of sexual identity: an appraisal analysis of lesbian coming out narratives. In H. Sauntson and S. Kyratzis (eds). 140-164.
Sauntson, H. 2005. Saying and not saying: gender, sex(uality) and discourse analysis. In J. Santaemilia (ed) The Language of Sex: Saying and Not Saying. Valencia: University of Valencia Press. 25-44.
Journal articles
Ashbridge, C., Clarke, M., Bell, B., Sauntson, H. and Walker, E. 2021. Democratic citizenship, critical literacy and educational policy in England: A conceptual paradox? Cambridge Journal of Education.
Sauntson, H. 2021. Conflicting discourses of ‘democracy’ and ‘equality’: A discourse analysis of the language of pro- and anti-LGBTQ+ inclusion in the Relationships and Sex Education guidance for schools in England. Trabalhos de Linguística Aplicada (Papers in Applied Linguistics).
Sauntson, H. 2018. Language, sexuality and inclusive pedagogy. Special issue on ‘Linguistic dimensions of inclusion in foreign language education’. International Journal of Applied Linguistics.
Morrish, L. and Sauntson, H. 2016. Performance management and the stifling of academic freedom and knowledge production. Journal of Historical Sociology 29 (1): 42-64.
Sauntson, H. 2016. Authenticating sexual diversity in the school curriculum: Examining sociolinguistic constructions of young people’s sexual identities. Journal of Language, Identity and Education 15 (1): 17-31.
Sundaram, V. and Sauntson, H. 2015. Discursive silences: Using critical linguistic and qualitative analysis to explore the continued absence of pleasure in sex and relationships education in England. Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning 16 (3): 240-254.
Sauntson, H. 2013. Sexual diversity and illocutionary silencing in the English National Curriculum. Sex Education13 (4): 395-408.
Morrish, L. and Sauntson, H. 2013. ‘Business-facing motors for economic development’: An Appraisal analysis of visions and values in the marketized UK university. Critical Discourse Studies10 (1): 61-80.
Sauntson, H. and Morrish, L. 2012. ‘How gay is football this year?’ Identity and intersubjectivity in a women’s sports team. Journal of Language and Sexuality1 (2): 151-178.
Sauntson, H. and Simpson, K. 2012. Other cultures, other sexualities? Including sexuality in secondary English. English Drama Media23: 25-30.
Sauntson, H. and Simpson, K. 2011. Investigating sexuality discourses in the UK secondary English curriculum. Journal of Homosexuality. 58 (6-7): 953-973.
Morrish, L. and Sauntson, H. 2011. Discourse and identity in a corpus of lesbian erotica. Journal of Lesbian Studies15 (1): 122-139.
Sauntson, H. and Morrish, L. 2010. Gender and sexuality – the discursive limits of ‘equality’ in higher education. Learning and Teaching: The International Journal of Higher Education in the Social Sciences3 (2): 1-18.
Sauntson, H. 2007.Girls’ and boys’ use of acknowledging moves in pupil group classroom discussion. Language and Education24 (4): 304-327.
Addresses and lectures
Plenary addresses, keynote addresses and invited lectures
Researching language, gender and sexuality. eMagazine English Language Conference, English and Media Centre, London, November 2021 (Keynote lecture).
Language, sexuality and discrimination. Online hosted by Dortmund University, Germany, May 2021 (Invited lecture).
Language, gender and sexuality in the neoliberal academy: Contributions from Applied Linguistics. Gender and Sexuality in the Neoliberal Academy: Interdisciplinary Approaches conference. Online hosted by DeMontfort University, UK, May 2021. (Keynote lecture).
Rethinking gender and sexuality in the classroom: A corpus-based discourse analysis of classroom interaction. Young Linguists' Meeting in Poznan (YLMP) 2021: Rethinking Language and Identity in the Multilingual World conference. Online hosted by University of Poznan, Poland, April 2021. (Keynote lecture).
Language and sexuality in schools: A practice-oriented workshop. Young Linguists' Meeting in Poznan (YLMP) 2021: Rethinking Language and Identity in the Multilingual World conference. Online hosted by University of Poznan, Poland, April 2021. (Invited workshop).
Language and neoliberalism in higher education. University of the West of England, March 2019. (Invited seminar).
Young women’s experiences of challenging homophobia and biphobia in UK schools: A sociolinguistic perspective. University of Reading, October 2018. (Invited seminar).
Queer/ing Applied Linguistics: Researching Language and Sexuality in Schools. (Keynote lecture). 24th Annual Conference on Lavender Languages and Linguistics. University of Nottingham, April 2017.
Young women, sexual diversity and schools. Kings College, London, February 2016. (Invited seminar).
Queering TESOL in international learning contexts. Queering ESOL: Towards A Cultural Politics of LGBT Issues in the ESOL Classroom conference. UCL Institute of Education, 19-20 June 2015. (Invited presentation).
The Language of Homophobia: Speech and Silence. 40thAnniversary of the Gay Liberation Front conference, London School of Economics, 19-20 May 2011 (Invited lecture).
Language, Genders, Sexualities, Identities. Trans-cending Gender Norms conference, University of the West of England, 12 April 2011. (Keynote address).
Analysing classroom interaction using four methods of discourse analysis. Aston University Linguistics seminar series, Aston University, 8 March 2011. (Invited seminar).
Neoliberal discourses of gender and sexuality in British higher education. English Language Research seminar series. University of Birmingham, November 2008. (Invited seminar).
Tactics of intersubjectivity: A framework for analysing language and sexual identity. English Language Research seminar series, University of Birmingham, 6 March 2007. (Invited seminar).
The contributions of queer theory to gender and language research. Queering Equity and Inclusion symposium, State University of New York, Oneonta NY, February 2007. (Keynote address).
New perspectives on language and sexual identity: the legacy of fourteen years of Lavender Languages. (With Liz Morrish, NTU) 14thAnnual Conference on Lavender Languages and Linguistics, American University, Washington DC, February 2007. (Plenary address).
Gender, sex(uality) and discourse analysis. 2ndValencia Workshop on Gender and Language – The Language of Sex: Saying and Not Saying. University of Valencia, October 2004. (Keynote address).
Conference papers
Conference papers
Discursive expressions of prejudice and denial: A critical discourse analysis of ‘anti-gender’ videos on YouTube. Lavender Languages and Linguistics: 28th International Conference. University of Catania, Italy, May 2022.
Language, sexuality and inclusive pedagogy. Language Education for Social Justice conference. Online hosted by University of Jyvaskyla, Finland, June 2021.
Whose ‘equality’ matters the most? A discourse analysis of the language of pro- and anti-LGBTQ+ inclusion in the Relationships and Sex Education guidance for schools in England. International Gender and Language Association conference, online hosted by Queen Mary University London, June 2021.
Language, sexuality and inclusive pedagogy in TESOL. American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL) conference, Chicago, USA, March 2018.
Using poststructuralist linguistics frameworks to explore the school experiences of LGBT+ youth. American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Conference, Portland, Oregon, USA, March 2017.
Gender, sexuality and applied linguistics. Postgraduate Forum on Applied Linguistics, York St John University, January 2016.
Symposium lead for Schools as queer spaces: European perspectives. European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary, September 2015.
Young women’s experiences of homophobia in UK schools. European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary, September 2015.
Symposium lead for Language, gender, sexuality and applied linguistics: Breaking theory and exploring future avenues. British Association of Applied Linguistics (BAAL) Conference, Aston University, UK, September 2015.
Using applied linguistics to understand heteronormativity and homophobia in school environments. British Association of Applied Linguistics (BAAL) Conference, Aston University, UK, September 2015.
Discursive silences: A content and critical linguistic analysis of the 2014 SRE guidance for England and Wales. (with Vanita Sundaram) British Educational Research Association conference, London Institute of Education, 23-25 September 2014.
Sexualities equality and diversity training in UK schools: An appraisal analysis of teachers’ reflections, attitudes and experiences. International Gender and Language Association (IGALA) conference, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada, June 2014.
Teaching about sexualities equality and diversity: A case study of research-led and research-based teaching. (with student researchers – Natalie Elton and Sarah Holliday) Talking About teaching Conference, York St John University, January 2014.
Sexualities equality and diversity training in secondary schools: An appraisal analysis of teachers’ reflections, attitudes and experiences. British Educational Research Association (BERA) conference, University of Sussex, September 2013.
How gay is football this year? Tactics of intersubjectivity in a women’s varsity football team.(with Liz Morrish) 20th Annual Conference on Lavender Languages and Linguistics, American University, Washington DC, February 2013.
Assessing sexual diversity training levels and needs for secondary school teachers in a UK context.(with Kathryn Simpson) British Educational Research Association (BERA) conference, University of Manchester, Manchester, 4-6 September 2012.
Authenticating sexual diversity in the school curriculum: Examining sociolinguistic constructions of young people’s sexuality identities. Queering Paradigms IV, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 24-28 July 2012.
How gay is football this year? Desire as adequation and distinction in a women’s varsity football team.(with Liz Morrish) Queering Paradigms IV, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 24-28 July 2012.
Authenticating sexual diversity in the school curriculum: Examining sociolinguistic constructions of young people’s sexuality identities. British Educational Research Association: Sexualities Special Interest Group conference, Manchester Metropolitan University, 11 November 2011.
Sexual Diversity in the English National Curriculum: Teachers’ and Young LGB-identified People’s Experiences in the City of Birmingham, UK. (with Kathryn Simpson) European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Berlin, 13-16 September 2011.
Sexual diversity in the English National Curriculum: A Critical Discourse Analysis. (with Kathryn Simpson) British Educational Research Association (BERA) conference, Institute of Education, London, 6-8 September 2011.
Issues of homophobia and its impact on student achievement.(with Kathryn Simpson) Learning and Teaching conference, University of Birmingham, 18 June 2011.
Investigating sexuality discourses in the UK secondary English curriculum. European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) Conference, Helsinki, 25-27 August 2010.
Gender and sexuality: The discursive limits of ‘equality’ in higher education. XIV World Congress of Comparative Education Societies, Istanbul, 14-18 June 2010.
Introduction to neoliberalism.(with Liz Morrish) Gender and sexuality: The discursive limits of ‘equality’ in higher education seminar series. University of Birmingham, February 2009.
Performing lesbian sexual identity through discourse. (with Liz Morrish) Queering Paradigms conference, Canterbury Christ Church University, February 2009.
An appraisal analysis of gender and sexuality in an electronic corpus of coming out narratives. 4thInternational Gender and Language Association conference, University of Valencia, Valencia, November 2006.
A reflection on teaching language, gender and sexuality: problems and solutions. Teaching Language, Gender and Sexuality in Further and Higher Education (BAAL Gender and Language Special Interest Group seminar), Liverpool Hope University, Liverpool, September 2006.
A language of our own? The discourse of lesbian erotica. (with Liz Morrish) 12th Annual Conference on Lavender Languages and Linguistics, American University, Washington DC, February 2005.
Analyzing evaluation in coming-out narratives. 9th Annual American University Conference on Lavender Languages and Linguistics, American University, Washington DC, February 2003.
Examining lesbian conversation as discourses of resistance. 9th Annual American University Conference on Lavender Languages and Linguistics, American University, Washington DC, February 2002.
Gendered discourses in the Technology classroom. British Association of Applied Linguistics conference, University of Cambridge, September 2000.
Changing approaches to the study of gender and sexuality in applied linguistics. British Association of Applied Linguistics conference, University of Edinburgh, September 1999.