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Sustainable Stories

Energy and carbon reduction

We are facing a climate emergency and every action matters.

Urgent action on energy efficiency and renewable transition

We are facing a climate emergency and every action matters. We need to stop wasting energy whilst also rapidly switching away from burning fossil fuels to using greener low-carbon energy. 

For further information, visit the links below.

Arrays of solar panelled car park shelters at York St John University.

What York St John is doing

The University is committed to cutting carbon emissions and in the year 2021 to 2022, we achieved a 68% reduction compared to the 2005 baseline.

Our aim is to achieve an 80% reduction by 2030.

Further information is available on our Energy and decarbonisation page.

How to get involved

Students Organising for Sustainability offer great advice on how to save energy in your student accommodation.

Students Organising for Sustainability

Energy Saving Trust offer a guide to energy efficiency for employees.

Energy Efficiency Guide

With energy bills at an all-time high, knowing how to save energy has never mattered more.

If you want to cut carbon emissions at home, Energy Saving Trust has lots of good advice on their website.

Energy at home

Almost every electricity supplier has a green electricity tariff aimed at customers who want to buy renewable energy.

Visit the Center for Sustainable Energy website for more information.

Green Electricity Tariffs

If you notice energy being wasted at York St John University, you can report it by visiting the Estates helpdesk page.

Find out more

For local advice on how to save energy, visit the York Energy Advice website.

York Energy Advice