York St John Communities Centre
Opportunities at the Communities Centre
Find out how you can get involved at the York St John Communities Centre, including paid roles, volunteering, placement opportunities, and partnerships.
Paid vacancies
For paid vacancies within the Centre, please regularly check the York St John jobs website.
Current vacancies Working at York St John
To keep up to date with opportunities at the Centre, you can subscribe to our monthly Newsletter, and you can also follow us on social media for news and updates:
Volunteering and placements
Explore our current volunteering and placement opportunities.
Opportunities are available in various teams in the Communities Centre, so you can find a role that fits your skills.
Use the drop-down below to explore our roles.
Current opportunities
Work with York St John Communities Centre as one of our student trainee counsellors.
You will need to undergo criminal record checks as provided by the Disclosure and Barring Service and will have a minimum of 3 client hours a week.
To apply, please email a brief cover letter attaching a completed application form and your CV to ysjcc@yorksj.ac.uk.
York St John Communities Centre Placement Application Form (docx, 34.5 kB)
Once we have received both documents your application will be reviewed for shortlisting. If you are shortlisted we will contact you to arrange an interview.
If you have any access requirements, we can arrange your interview using an alternative method.
Are you proficient in a language other than English? Would you like to volunteer to introduce and use the language with children and adolescents from the community?
If so, sign up for the Community Language School today! You do not need prior experience or training in teaching. What we would like to see in abundance though, is an enthusiasm to spread the love for learning languages!
Download our booklet: Community Language School - Volunteering (PDF, 2.7MB)
Find out more on our Community Language School pages.
The purpose of this role is to provide emotional support to those who may have experienced a bereavement or a significant loss. Support will be provided using counselling skills, the application of theory to group sessions and skilled observations. The facilitator will guide the discussions to ensure that they are safe and appropriate, whilst the support will observe both group and individual interactions and reflect and discuss the interactions at the end of the sessions. This role also includes attending supervision.
Facilitators must be qualified counsellors, and supporters must be able to demonstrate experience of using listening skills. Both roles must be aged 18 and over, and have a genuine interest in helping people.
If you would like to apply then please complete our application form, and email it to ysjcc@yorksj.ac.uk, along with your CV and a brief cover letter detailing your motivation for applying.
Communities Centre Volunteer Application Form (docx, 79.3KB)
The purpose of this role is to provide emotional support to those who may have experienced a bereavement or a significant loss. We are recruiting helpers who feel able to listen to the stories of bereaved people at our Bereavement Cafés. This could be people who have experienced a loss in the past but now feel ready to listen to others, plus counselling students/recently qualified therapists interested in working with bereavement.
No qualification is needed, other than an interest in supporting bereaved people, and the post holder must be aged 18 and over. Qualified and experienced counsellors will be there to support you.
If you would like to apply then please complete our application form, and send it to ysjcc@yorksj.ac.uk, along with your CV and a brief cover letter detailing your motivation for applying.
Communities Centre Volunteer Application Form (docx, 79.3KB)
The purpose of this role is to provide emotional support to those who identify as women, who experience suicidal thoughts or are going through a time of crisis. It provides a non-judgemental and comfortable space to come together and talk openly about suicide, and the facilitator and peer supporters have lived experience of supporting people who have been impacted by suicide and suicidal thoughts and are able to offer reassurance that nobody is alone.
The facilitator and supports will guide the group to ensure discussions are safe, appropriate, and supportive. The role includes attending a de-brief after each session. Peer Supports must be aged 18 and over, have appropriate experience of supporting people who are experiencing mental health challenges and have a genuine interest in helping people.
If you would like to apply then please complete our application form, and send it to ysjcc@yorksj.ac.uk, along with your CV and a brief cover letter detailing your motivation for applying.
Communities Centre Volunteer Application Form (docx, 79.3KB)
The purpose of this role is to support with the coordination of the day to day running of groups and services at the York St John Communities Centre. This in-person role is based at the Centre on reception and in the Centre offices, the volunteer administrator will support the admin and coordination team, assisting in the organisation and running of administrative processes and systems that assist the centre clients, staff, and placement students, and will engage with clients who attend the Centre.
This volunteer role will provide a comprehensive and holistic insight into how the Centre is ran, and the administration and clinical processes of providing community facing groups, projects, and services. The post holder will also gain an in depth understanding of the clinical assessment process and allocation process of clients to practitioners. Furthermore, this role may be tailored to suit the individuals’ interests, skills, and experience.
If you would like to apply then please complete our application form and email it to ysjcc@yorksj.ac.uk, along with your CV and a brief cover letter detailing your motivation for applying.
Communities Centre Volunteer Application Form (docx, 79.3KB)
Trainee counsellor feedback
Although client work is challenging, my experience at the centre energises me and gives me hope for my development as a counsellor, as well as excitement for what we can achieve as a service in the future.
Team member feedback
Being part of this incredible team has been an amazing and rewarding experience. I'm grateful for the opportunity I've been given to contribute and grow alongside such dedicated individuals.
Trainee counsellor feedback
I have grown in confidence in my client work during my time on placement here and feel secure and supported to continue my learning and development here. My social confidence has definitely improved in my time here too.
Team member feedback
I feel very lucky to have been offered a placement with such a professional and caring organisation.
Trainee counsellor feedback
Being able to talk everything through both during and after the session was so helpful and reassuring. I learnt so much from this experience and feel more confident should this happen again.
Team member feedback
Simply put, it really is a good, nice place to be. I've really valued the collaborative attitude of those who work there, in whatever capacity. It really makes it work. I'd really recommend it as a placement opportunity, and I'm pleased that I will remain involved in some capacity!
Trainee counsellor feedback
I'm enjoying the opportunity to gain hands-on experience and apply the theoretical knowledge I've acquired in my training. The supportive environment at the Centre allows me to learn and grow as a practitioner while receiving valuable feedback from staff and clients.
Team member feedback
My placement has been a formative experience for me. I feel as though I have grown alongside the centre from an online, slightly unsure experience where everyone was finding their way to being a solid structure and I am confident although still, and always growing therapist.
Trainee counsellor feedback
I highly appreciate the opportunities provided by the Centre for us trainees to access various relevant training opportunities, irrespective of our affiliation with York St John University. It is immensely valuable and greatly appreciated.
Team member feedback
I appreciate the supportive and non-judgemental environment provided by the manager and coordinators, which allows me to feel comfortable discussing sensitive topics, to address any concerns I may have, or ask for support.
Groups and partnerships
As the York St John University Communities Centre is gradually expanding there may be upcoming opportunities to collaborate with the Centre in terms of proposing a new support group or programme, or developing a new external partnership.
With any new project delivered at the Centre, it's important that they are aligned with our core values, mission, and ethos, so please consider this when applying.
Please complete the proposal form below and return directly to the Centre Manager Nicole Jephson on n.jephson@yorksj.ac.uk.
Communities Centre Groups and Partnerships Proposal Form (docx, 91.4 kB)
Supporting York St John Communities Centre
As a not for profit organisation with charitable status, your contribution to York St John Communities Centre plays a vital role in helping us continue our mission of serving the community.
Whether you're interested in volunteering your time, making a donation, or spreading the word about our cause, there are lots of ways you can get involved and make a difference. You can explore the different ways to support us on our Supporting the Centre page and help us in continuing to create positive change in our community.
Supporting the Centre One-off or regular donation (JustGiving)