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Policies and documents


Our Admissions related policies and documents.

On this page you will find all of our policies and documents relating to admissions.

This includes the terms and conditions you accept when you accept an offer to study with us.

If you are looking for information about how we assign credits, the awards our courses lead to, or information about the assessment process you should visit the Regulations page linked below.

Policies and documents

Our terms and conditions form part of the contract between York St John University and our students. In accepting an offer to become a student with us, you are accepting our terms and conditions.

You can download our terms and conditions using the links below. They are listed by year of entry.

Student Terms and Conditions 2025/26 (PDF, 0.4MB)

Student Terms and Conditions 2024/25 (PDF, 0.2 MB)

Student Terms and Conditions 2023/2024 (PDF, 0.2MB)

Student Terms and Conditions 2021/2022 (PDF, 0.3 MB)

Student Terms and Conditions 2020/2021 (PDF, 0.2MB)

Student Terms and Conditions 2019/2020 (PDF, 0.4MB)

This document describes how we make admissions decisions for all applicants, including information on our offer and readmissions policy.

Admissions Policy 2024/25 (PDF, 0.3 MB)

Admissions Policy 2023/24 (PDF, 0.3 MB)

Admissions policy 2022/23 (PDF, 274.4KB)

Our student protection plan sets out what you can expect to happen should your course, campus or our University close. The purpose of the plan is to ensure that you can continue and complete your studies, or to provide you with compensation if this is not possible.

Our student protection plan has been approved by the Office for Students.

Student Protection Plan 2018/9 (PDF, 0.2MB)

If you do not have the GCSEs needed to meet our entry requirements, most courses will accept alternative qualifications.

This document lists all the qualifications that we will accept as equivalent to GCSEs:

Acceptable GCSE Equivalencies 2022 onwards (PDF, 0.3MB)

Each year we will consider the applications of a small number of students who will be 17 at the start of their course.

This document details our policy for admitting students under 18. It includes information about what adjustments we can make to welcome them as part of the University community. It includes cut-off dates and a description of our process for admitting under 18s to study.

Under 18 Consent Form and Guidance (DOC, 0.2 MB)

If you are applying to York St John University with a current criminal conviction, this document provides information on how this might affect your application and when you are required to disclose a conviction.

Admission of Students with Criminal Convictions (PDF, 0.1MB)

After you accept our offer of a place to study, you have a 14 day cooling off period. You can cancel your Pre-Enrolment Contract within this 14 day period as long as you have not started your course.

If you would like to cancel you Pre-Enrolment Contract please use the Statutory Cancellation form which you can download below.

Statutory Cancellation Form v1.0 (DOCx, 209kB)

Appeals procedure

There is no right of appeal against an admissions decision about matters of academic judgement regarding an applicant’s suitability to study a programme; or about an applicant’s failure to satisfy non-academic requirements specified by external agencies for a particular programme (for example criminal records checks or occupational health checks).

However a complaint relating to a procedural error, an irregularity or maladministration should be made in writing to the Head of Admissions, who will respond to the applicant in writing.

All appeals should be made within 14 calendar days of a decision being made, appeals made outside this timescale will only be addressed at the discretion of the university.

Any further complaint will be considered by the Vice Chancellor whose decision is final.

Applicants who request feedback or make a complaint or ask for a review of the admissions policies and procedures will not be discriminated against in any further applications on the basis of any of these.

Complaints procedure

A complaint relating to a procedural error, an irregularity or maladministration should be made in writing to the Head of Admissions, who will respond to the applicant in writing.

The Head of Admissions will carry out an initial investigation of the circumstances surrounding the complaint.

The Head of Admissions will communicate the decision, to the applicant.

Any further complaint will be considered by the Vice Chancellor whose decision is final.

Applicants who request feedback or make a complaint or ask for a review of the admissions policies and procedures will not be discriminated against in any further applications on the basis of any of these.

Submitting an appeal or complaint

All appeals or complaints should be submitted in writing, with all relevant information, to the Head of Admissions by email at or by post to Head of Admissions, York St John University, Lord Mayors Walk, York, YO31 7EX.