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Governance and Compliance

The Governance and Compliance team is the guardian of adherence to statutory and regulatory requirements at York St John University.

The Governance and Compliance team is overseen by Head of Governance and Compliance, Mia Bryden.

Our responsibilities span equality, diversity and inclusion, staff and student health and safety, managing requests under data protection legislation and the Freedom of Information Act, and oversight of the operations of the Board of Governors. The team also leads the handling of student casework, managing complaints, appeals and disciplinary processes to meet the expectations of external regulators.

We can be contacted via or by using the role-specific email addresses listed at the bottom of this page.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

We are dedicated to providing an inclusive, accessible and welcoming environment which supports a diverse and culturally rich community. Our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion webpages include information about the University’s EDI strategy, equality impact assessments, annual reporting, the gender pay gap and diversity monitoring.

Health and Safety

Our commitment to both the Health and Safety of our community and also to the promotion and development of the Wellbeing of our staff and students is detailed on our Health and Safety webpages including incident reporting, policies and self-assessments.

Student Casework

We are here to help students when things are not going right, whether that's related to their University experience or because of another member of our University community. Depending on the nature of the concern there will be different options and support available.

Information Governance

Ensuring that we process the personal data of our students, staff and partners safely and securely is a key concern. The University maintains the information it collects in compliance with the UK GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018 along with a collection of organisational policies which support the governance of data.

Board of Governors

The University's Board of Governors brings together appointed people from different backgrounds, including the public and private sectors, the Church, education, and the voluntary and community sector. It also has representatives drawn from the University’s staff, and its student body.


The University employs a solicitor to ensure that its processes adhere to national law and that its activities are supported by robust legal procedures.

Meet the team

Mia Bryden

Head of Governance and Compliance


Christopher Howell

Governance Officer


Matt Bellew

Health and Safety Adviser


Faye Addy

Health and Safety Coordinator


Helen Bowie

Student Casework Manager


Nicola French

Student Casework Administrator


Jake Furby

Equality and Diversity Adviser


Liam Wilkinson

Information Governance Assistant


Ulla Vaereth

