Leadership and governance
Board of Governors
The Board of Governors has collective strategic responsibility for oversight of the University’s activities.
The University's Board of Governors brings together appointed people from different backgrounds, including the public and private sectors, the Church, education, and the voluntary and community sector. It also has representatives drawn from the University’s staff, and its student body.
Together, Governors are the stewards of the mission and purpose of the University. The Board of Governors constructively hold the University to account for its decisions, and has statutory responsibilities to oversee various elements of its work, including its annual budget. It steers, shapes and supports the direction of the University. The Board of Governors meets in full three times a year.
You can read more about the University's vision and mission in its University for Social Impact Strategy here: University for Social Impact Strategy
The Board of Governors has adopted a Statement of Primary Responsibilities: Statement of Primary Responsibilities 2024-25 (PDF, 79.5 kB)
The Statement is aligned with the Higher Education Code of Governance and the registration conditions specified by the Office for Students (OfS).
Board of Governors 2024-25
Julia Unwin DBE
Chair of the Board of Governors; Chair of Governance and Nominations Committee
Neil Braithwaite
Deputy Chair of the Board of Governors; Finance and Capital Development Committee Chair; Remuneration Committee Chair
Jennifer Adams
Audit & Risk Committee Chair
Alison Davies
People Committee Chair
The Rt Reverend Richard Frith
Foundation Committee Chair
Mohammed Ali OBE
Professor Karen Bryan OBE
Vice Chancellor
The Very Reverend Dominic Barrington
Andrew Chang
Pauline Waterhouse OBE
Brian Chiyesu
Avijit Datta
Mark Fordyce
Andy Falconer
Dr Ernestine Gheyoh Ndzi
Staff governor
Abinash Chaudhary
Student Governor
Board of Governors - Register of Interests
To manage conflicts of interest, the Finance and Governance and Compliance teams maintain a Register of Interests. The purpose of the register is to give Governors and Senior Leaders a mechanism to publicly declare any private interests that may conflict, or may be perceived to conflict, with their public duties. An overview of the Board of Governors interests is provided below for transparency.