York St John Communities Centre
External support and resources
Find details of emergency support organisations and self-support resources.
Support and Signposting
Download our Support and Signposting leaflet to find more external support and resources on general wellbeing, bereavement and loss, drug and alcohol use, domestic violence and abuse, education and learning, employment, family, gender and sex, neurodiversity, outdoors, physical, practical support, self harm, and ethnic minorities.
Signposting and Support - York St John Communities Centre (PDF, 1MB)
Emergency support services
If you or someone you know is having thoughts of self-harm it is important to seek help and support. These thoughts can be intrusive and complex, but you do not have to suffer through it alone. If you or someone you know is in need of emergency help and cannot wait to seek further help through other services, please contact one of the emergency helplines below.
24 hour support line for when you need someone to talk to. Call for free on 116 123.NHS Advice Line
Call 111 for non-life-threatening emergenciesNHS Emergencies
Call 999 for life-threatening emergenciesCALM (Campaign against living miserably)
Helpline available from 5:00pm to midnight for people who are feeling down and need to talk. Call 0800 58 58 58.The Haven
Information and emotional support for those in crisis or heading towards crisis. Helpline available from 6:00pm to 11:00pm. Call 07483 141 310, 07483 141 307, 07484 076 695, 07483 141 303.SHOUT
Crisis text service. Text for free to 85258.QWELL
Online emotional wellbeing and mental health support. Services include:
- Booking 1 to 1 chats with trained counsellors
- Taking part in themed group therapy sessions
- Accessing a secure email service
- Getting involved with a messaging forum, online magazine and chat room.
A safe and anonymous online counselling and advice service.Papyrus
Provides confidential support and advice to young people struggling with thoughts of suicide, and anyone worried about a young person through our helpline. Call 0800 068 41 41 or text 0778 620 9697.NHS - TEWV Crisis Service:
0800 0516 171 (24 hours, 7days a week - all ages).
York St John Communities Centre is not responsible for the content or services provided by resources listed here.