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Study Abroad

How to apply

Our step by step guide to applying for study abroad.


Applying to study abroad is a competitive process.

In order to be considered for the programme, you need to meet the selection criteria below:

  • 50% minimum average mark (credit-weighted).
  • Submission of application form and personal statement by application deadline.
  • Academic reference to support application.

For Korean and Japanese language students, you will receive information about applying to Study Abroad from staff in your academic school, but our Study Abroad team is still here to help. Feel free to make an appointment whenever you need additional support.

For all other students, follow our step by step guide below.

Step by step guide (non-languages students)

List item One

Do your research

Studying abroad requires careful consideration, commitment, and planning. Read through the information for outgoing students on our website. You will need to:

  • Check where and when you can study abroad with your course
  • Research and compare partner institutions

You will need to make an appointment with your York St John Disability Practitioner or Wellbeing Adviser, if applicable. They can discuss your options for support abroad.

List item Two

Attend our Global Opportunities Fair

The Global Opportunities Fair takes place in the autumn each year. Please keep an eye on the website and emails for more information.

List item Three

Watch our video guide

Our Study Abroad YouTube playlist provides you with everything you need to know about studying abroad.

List item Four

Talk to us if you have any questions

If you have any questions about studying abroad and would like to talk to a member of our team, you can book an appointment with us.

Book a Study Abroad appointment

List item Five


Applications for 25/26 Study Abroad are now closed. They will reopen in December 2025.

Contact us

Contact the Study Abroad team for general, non-academic questions about studying abroad.


Telephone: 01904 876 941