Study Abroad
Outgoing York St John students
Welcome to Study Abroad! This is your opportunity to study at one of our partner universities for a semester or a year. Find out about the benefits of studying abroad, and start your adventure here.
Start your Study Abroad adventure
Choose your destination
Find out where you can go. Compare and research our partner institutions and find the perfect place for you.
Check your finances
Funding options for your Study Abroad experience including information on grants and how to research the costs of Study Abroad.
Get support
Talk to us about your study abroad plans. Get advice from Study Abroad Coordinators and Academic Advisors. Find out about disability and wellbeing support.
Our step by step guide to applying for Study Abroad.
Top 10 reasons to study abroad
Opportunity to travel
"It was an incredibly invaluable and unforgettable experience. It offered a great opportunity to travel (I visited six other countries while abroad) and meet new people, and it will be a place that will always feel like home.”
Georgia, studied in Sweden
Discover a different culture
“Study abroad was an incredible opportunity to gain an insight into different cultures, not only the ones of that country but also others through friends made. The chance to meet other international students and share experiences and ideas about topics was a great opportunity to learn more and find alternative ways of doing things to bring home to our country. Learning about different countries celebrations and cooking was also great fun. It was an amazing experience I would definitely recommend!”
Rachel, studied in Norway
Gain an international network of friends
“I made more friends than I can count. These friends are people I will keep in contact with for the rest of my life. I was lucky enough to meet a lovely group of people in my accommodation and from there I made more friends, and was given many opportunities to explore and get to know even more people.”
Freya, studied in Japan
Improve your skills
"My time abroad helped really helped me see things in multiple perspectives. My confidence with problem solving and relying on myself also improved greatly."
Heidi, studied in South Korea
Experience a different university or education setting
“The module selection system was far more versatile and allowed for a lot more freedom of choice in modules with each class making up a smaller part of your overall degree or grade. The Faculty were incredibly helpful and useful whenever needed.”
Benjamin, studied in Japan
Gain new perspectives on your subject area
“Studying abroad was one of, if not the best experience from being at uni. I got the opportunity to study in a different country, learn from some amazing industry professionals, experience a different culture, and get to explore a new place. I made some amazing memories and met some incredible people - some of which I still speak to almost every day.”
Lauren, studied in the USA
Enhance your language skills
“Thanks to study abroad I got a chance to expand my knowledge about Japanese culture as well as improve my language skills significantly. I was able to practice speaking and listening everyday, and since I had to use the language everyday, my confidence also improved.”
Wiktoria, studied in Japan
Learn more about yourself
"My time studying abroad was the most exciting time of my life. I learnt a lot about myself, made so many great friends and have memories that are going to stick with me for a lifetime."
Ellie-Mai, studied in the USA
"Just do it! For real, you will learn more about yourself and it will help you to understand what to do in the future."
Mwilikwa Ekangai, studied in The Netherlands
No extra time or extra tuition fees
Study Abroad will not add extra time or tuition fees to your degree.
If you are a languages student, you will spend your 3rd year of a 4 year degree abroad. Non-languages students will go abroad in the 2nd year of your degree, apart from Primary Education who go in your 3rd year.
There are no tuition fees to pay to your host institution.
Broaden your international outlook
“I enjoyed my study abroad experience so much that after finishing my degree I moved straight back to Norway.”
Joe, studied in Norway
Student voices
Hear from our students
Exchange student interviewed by Norwegian media
One of our current exchange students, Judith, is studying at the University of Agder in Norway and has recently been interviewed by the local Norwegian media. Read about her experience (link leads to Norwegian article).
Exchange student appears on Norwegian radio
Judith has also been interviewed on local radio and you can hear Judith speaking using the link below.
Study abroad in South Korea
- YSJ Life
- Gem
Watch Gem, one of our Korean, TESOL and Linguistics students explore South Korea and learn more about their time at Pukyong National University.
Which Uni? What to Expect!
- YSJ Life
- Anonymous
A guide to choosing a Study Abroad destination and what you need to know before you set off.
The Beginning of the Adventure
- YSJ Life
- Anonymous
Read tips for the Study Abroad application process.
Reflecting on personal experiences
- YSJ Life
- Anonymous
Read about 1 student's experience at Pacific University, USA.
Why study abroad?
Contact us
You can book an appointment with a member of the Study Abroad team through Handshake.
Book a Study Abroad appointment
You can also contact us by emailing
Privacy statement
All personal information gathered and held by York St John University relating to its applicants and students is treated with the care and confidentiality required by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Data Protection Bill (when enacted) – the data protection legislation.
The information gathered and held by the Study Abroad and Exchange team is governed by both the Applicant Data Protection Statement and the Student Data Protection Statement. Both of these are available in full on the Data Protection section of our website.
During your time at the University, there may be other reasons why the Study Abroad and Exchange team needs your personal data, in which case we will tell you what those purposes are and request consent to use your data for these purposes.