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Study Abroad

Outgoing York St John students

Welcome to Study Abroad! This is your opportunity to study at one of our partner universities for a semester or a year. Find out about the benefits of studying abroad, and start your adventure here.

View of the statue of Soyanggang Maid in Chuncheon, South Korea.

Start your Study Abroad adventure

Choose your destination

Find out where you can go. Compare and research our partner institutions and find the perfect place for you.

Check your finances

Funding options for your Study Abroad experience including information on grants and how to research the costs of Study Abroad.

Get support

Talk to us about your study abroad plans. Get advice from Study Abroad Coordinators and Academic Advisors. Find out about disability and wellbeing support.


Our step by step guide to applying for Study Abroad.

Top 10 reasons to study abroad

Student voices

Hear from our students

Why study abroad?

Contact us 

You can book an appointment with a member of the Study Abroad team through Handshake.

Book a Study Abroad appointment

You can also contact us by emailing

Privacy statement

All personal information gathered and held by York St John University relating to its applicants and students is treated with the care and confidentiality required by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Data Protection Bill (when enacted) – the data protection legislation. 

The information gathered and held by the Study Abroad and Exchange team is governed by both the Applicant Data Protection Statement and the Student Data Protection Statement. Both of these are available in full on the Data Protection section of our website.

During your time at the University, there may be other reasons why the Study Abroad and Exchange team needs your personal data, in which case we will tell you what those purposes are and request consent to use your data for these purposes.