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US federal loans

Receiving your loan

Information about receiving your loan and what to do if your situation changes.

Read through the information on this page to find out more about managing your federal loan during your studies. 

If you have any further questions, email 

Receiving your loan (disbursements)

You will need to have a UK bank account to receive your loan payments. 

No payments will be made until you have arrived in the UK, enrolled at the university and also had a photographic I.D check with a staff member in the Finance Department. Make sure you have enough money to live on for the first few weeks of the semester. 

Undergraduate students will receive their loan in two equal instalments. Postgraduate students will receive their loan in 3 equal instalments. Payments are made at the following times:

  • After the start of Semester 1
  • After the start of Semester 2
  • After Easter break (postgraduates only)

We will deduct your tuition fees for the academic year in equal instalments from each loan payment. If you are in university accommodation, we will also deduct your accommodation fees. The amount you receive will be dependent upon the exchange rate on that date. Your loan will also be subject to an origination fee.

Remaining eligible for payments

To receive your loan payments you must make sure you are:

  • Making Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
  • Enrolled at least half time
  • Not in the USA
  • Meeting federal compliance regulations

Read more about academic progress in our SAP Policy: 

US Federal Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy (docx, 51.9 kB)

Changes to your loan

You may want to make changes to your loan during your studies. 

If you want to increase or decrease your loan, please email You cannot borrow more than the maximum Cost of Attendance (CoA) amount. 

If you want to cancel your loan, email at least two weeks before a loan payment date. If you want to cancel your loan after this date you will need to get advice from your loan supplier

If you cancel your loan after receiving a loan payment you need to complete Exit Counselling. 

Changes to your studies

Changes to your studies include:

  • Taking a leave of absence
  • Withdrawing from your course
  • Changing from full time to half time
  • Changing to less than half time.

You must let us know about any changes to your study status by emailing

We are required to report any changes to your enrolment. If you withdraw from your studies, suspend your studies for more than 180 days or take an unauthorised absence, we will complete a Return to Title IV (R2T4) calculation. This calculation will let us know if any funds need to be returned to the US Department of Education. 

More information about the impact of withdrawing on your funding is available in our Return to Title IV policy: 

US Federal Aid (R2T4) Policy (PDF 0.2 MB)

Ending or completing your studies

You are required to complete exit counselling when you leave University, whether you graduate or withdraw for any reason. It's also required if you drop below half-time attendance. This gives you important information to prepare you for repaying your federal loans.

Complete Exit Counselling (Federal Student Aid website)

We will contact you to remind you to complete your Exit Counselling. We ask you to let us know when you have completed it by emailing

Tax forms for USA and Canada

You can request a certificate of tuition fees paid in the tax year:

  • Form 1098-T for the US Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
  • Enrolment Certificate TL11A for the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)

Please contact from your university student email account to request your certificate.