Wellbeing support
Welfare training and courses
Training in bystander intervention, consent, drug and alcohol awareness, and hate crime awareness.
Bystander Intervention Training
All About Respect provides free, online training in bystander intervention.
The training includes 4 video sessions:
- What do we mean by a bystander? (11 minutes)
- What is sexual harm? (30 minutes)
- What is hate crime? (14 minutes)
- How do we intervene? (24 minutes)
Watch the videos for each session below. Sessions cover sensitive material, but you can stop the video at any time and return later.
When you have completed the training you can download a certificate on the All About Respect website.
Bystander Intervention sessions
Session 1: What do we mean by a bystander?
This session gives an overview of the key issues surrounding bystander intervention. It builds a strong foundation for possible intervention and helps you to spot potentially harmful situations.
Session 2: What is sexual harm?
This session is an overview of the key issues surrounding sexual harm. It builds a strong foundation for possible intervention and helps you to spot potentially harmful situations.
Session 3: What is hate crime?
This session gives an overview of the key issues surrounding hate crime. It builds a strong foundation for possible intervention and helps you to spot potentially harmful situations.
Session 4: How do we intervene?
This session gives practical advice on the multiple ways in which intervention can take place safely. It also gives helpful information on how to support victims, and how to communicate with perpetrators.
Consent training
In this training session you will:
- Gain understanding about what consent is
- Hear from York St John students about what consent means to them
- Learn about the support you can access if you have been affected by a consent issue
Watch the video for this session below.
Consent Matters
Changing Lives: Drugs and Alcohol
In this workshop you will:
- Think about why people take drugs
- Learn about the impact of drugs and alcohol, including police involvement
- Find out what happens when you call an ambulance about a drug or drink overdose
Watch the workshop video below.
Drug and Alcohol Awareness Workshop
Hate Crime Awareness Training
In this training video you will:
- Learn about protected characteristics
- Discover the difference between hate crimes and hate incidents
- Find out how to report a hate crime
Watch the video below.