Health and wellbeing
Religion and spirituality
The York St John chaplaincy provides spaces and opportunities for reflection, listening, confidential support, prayer, worship, meditation, socialising and spiritual exploration.
York St John is a University with a Church of England Foundation. As such:
- We maintain a regular presence of Christian prayer worship, and witness within the University community.
- We are here in times of joy and sadness for the whole campus community.
- We are committed to a loving and inclusive acceptance of people of all faiths and none.
- We believe in sharing an open, honest and respectful dialogue with one another.
- We maintain a vibrant connection with our neighbours in the wider spiritual life of the City of York.
- We provide confidential pastoral care for students and staff alike.
Faiths at York St John University
Baha'i places of worship and activities in York.
Buddhist places of worship and activities in York.
Christian places of worship and activities in York.
Hindu places of worship and activities in York.
Get in touch
Whatever your faith position, situation, nationality, gender, or sexual orientation we offer hospitality, support and friendship. The Chaplaincy is a space where you can bring your own concerns and discuss them freely. The University Chaplain and a voluntary team of Faith Advisers representing all major faiths and spiritual traditions are available to talk to.
Our university Chaplain is Reverend Jane Speck. You can visit the chaplaincy office during the week in CP007, next to the Japanese Peace Garden.
You can also get in touch by contacting
Report and support
Hate crimes are never okay. All staff, students and visitors can report incidents anonymously on the Report and Support website.
If you’re not sure about something you’ve witnessed or experienced, York St John's Chaplain Jane Speck is available to speak to. Our Faith Advisers are also here to offer support:
All conversations are confidential.