Study Abroad
Accommodation and fees
Information about accommodation and living costs and fees when studying abroad at York St John University.
We guarantee York St John University managed accommodation to Study Abroad and Exchange students.
You will usually stay in self-catered accommodation in single occupancy rooms at The Grange or Limes Court. Both of these locations are less than 1 mile from campus. This accommodation is not ensuite.
Accommodation costs for 2024-25 are:
- Rent: £125 per week (approximate)
- Contents insurance: Provided by York St John University, free of charge
- Bedding packs for international students: Free of charge
- Advanced rent payment: £200, is no longer required
Find out more about our accommodation using the links below.
Please note that if The Grange and Limes Court are full, students may be housed in more expensive accommodation sites (up to approximately £165 per week). Please also note that the accommodation on offer is not ensuite.
Living costs
The costs of living per week can vary from student to student. The below list provides an approximate estimate of how much money per week students may spend:
- Accommodation: £125 per week
- Food: £40 per week
- Laundry: £5 per week
- Mobile phone: £5 per week
- Sports memberships: £5 per week
- Entertainment or social: £40 per week
For further support surrounding your finances as a student at York St John, please contact our Student Funding Advice team. Our Global Campus team is also here to support you by answering questions about life in York as an incoming study abroad student and putting on a variety of exciting events and trips.
Tuition fees
If you are an Erasmus+ Exchange or International Exchange student, you do not pay tuition fees at York St John University. Please contact your home university regarding your student fee status.
If you are a free-mover or an independent student, get in touch with our Study Abroad team by emailing