Trusted Contacts
Information for Trusted Contacts
Guidelines for contacting and sharing information with Trusted Contacts.
As provider of adult education, maintaining student autonomy is vital.
We begin from the principle that students have the right to make decisions for themselves. This may mean students choose not to share information with their family and loved ones.
On this page, you will be able to find more information about when the University may contact you as a Trusted Contact, what information can be shared, and how we prioritise both student autonomy and their safety.
When you will be contacted
The University will only reach out to a Trusted Contact where a student is thought to be at immediate risk of harm.
In all instances, we will aim to gain the consent of the student to contact the Trusted Contact. However, where this is not possible, we will reach out to the Trusted Contact without the consent of the student, but only in exceptional circumstances.
What information will be shared with you
The University will endeavour to respect student confidentiality and to remain complaint with Data Protection Act 2018, UK GDPR and Human Rights Legislation. Information shared with a Trusted Contact will be provided on a need-to-know basis.
Respecting the confidentiality and privacy of the student remains a priority, therefore only information necessary to manage risks and ensure the immediate safety of the student will be shared with the Trusted Contact.
If a Trusted Contact reaches out to the university to share concerns about a student, we will be able to listen to those concerns, however in order to maintain confidentiality we will be unable to share information about the student with you.
Students receiving University support
When a student is receiving support from a university service, it is common for the staff member to ask the student about their support network. Encouraging students to share information about their situation with friends and family is typical, provided the student feels comfortable doing so.
The University recognises the benefits of students' wider support networks and encourages them to access all available support as they see fit. This is important for Trusted Contacts to be aware of, as students often prefer not to share their situation with family or friends.
It is important for Trusted Contacts to understand that a student's consent to share information is dynamic. Although a student may have opted into the Trusted Contact process during enrolment or re-enrolment, they are free to change their mind at any time.
If support staff are working with a student and ask whether information can be shared with others, such as the Trusted Contact, and the student declines, the University will respect the decision of the autonomous adult.
Students engaging with medical services
Students with health concerns who are engaging with medical services are generally not considered a reason to contact a Trusted Contact.
Health services have their own information-sharing protocols, which do not include updating the University.
Should a student be engaged in medical treatment, it is up to the health service to decide whether to share that information with others.