Disability support and inclusion
Information for parents, carers and friends
Find out about data sharing and useful resources.
As a university, we are limited in what information we can share with you about one of our students, even when the student you are concerned about is a family member or close friend of yours.
This is to:
- Protect our students' privacy.
- Make sure we are working in accordance with data protection legislation.
- Because it can discourage students from talking to support services in the University if they feel that their information will be shared beyond the University.
This extends to confirming the student status of an individual. In most circumstances, we cannot confirm to a third party whether a person is a current student or not. We realise that this may be frustrating, but hope you appreciate the reasons for this.
If you contact us about concerns you have about your friend or family member, we may be able to provide you with some general advice about the kinds of support available to students, which you can then share. In some circumstances, we may be able to contact the student and let them know that you have been in touch with us.
Students can provide us with consent to include another person in their correspondence. This is done using a consent form we send directly to the student to put this in place. This consent only allows information sharing between the people the student names and the Disability Support and Inclusion Team. It does not allow communication with other members of University staff.
Other useful resources
As well as the Disability Support and Inclusion team, there is a lot of other support on offer at the University. This includes: