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Staff Profile

Matt Perry

Senior Lecturer

Following a diverse career path that included being employed as a Youth Worker, Care and Protection Social Worker and then a Police Officer, I trained as a Paramedic in South Australia in 2006. I worked in clinical practice for about 10 years and then following the development of a successful project to improve prehospital education in Penang, Malaysia I moved to an academic career in the UK.

Since arriving in the United Kingdom I have led developments in the paramedic programme at Oxford Brookes University and established the paramedic subject area at the University of Gloucestershire. Since then I have also worked as the Course Director for the the paramedic BSc programme at Coventry University.

I am the lead for Paramedicine at York St John University and I support the school in the role of Learning and Teaching Lead. I completed my PhD in 2023, which focused on patient experience of paramedic interventions. I hold a keen interest in building research capacity and supporting the continued development of the paramedic profession. This, in my view, needs to lead to a global understanding of the role of paramedics within any healthcare system.

Further information


Teaching for the MSc Paramedic Science programme will begin shortly.


Perry, M. (2016a). Evidence based practice from the ashes of clinical freedom. Journal of Paramedic Practice, 8(12), 567-577.

Perry, M., Bromwich, K., & Catterall, M. (2016). A call for research into the link between professional practice and education. Journal of Paramedic Practice, 8(2), 66.

Perry, M., & Carter, D. (2017). The ethics of ambulance ramping. Emergency Medicine Australasia, 29(1), 116-118.

Perry, M., Reynolds, L., & Clare, J. (2018a). Contributions to public health around the world. International Paramedic Practice, 8(1), 3-9.

Perry, M., Reynolds, L., & Clare, J. (2018b). Education and clinical professional development in Penang, Malaysia. International Paramedic Practice, 8(2), 23-31.

Perry, M., Usher, K., & Jackson, D. (2019). Global patient experience of paramedic practice. International Paramedic Practice, 9(1), 3-12.

Perry, M. J. (2016). Setting basic standards in a developing ambulance service: a qualitative description of the impact of the intermediate ambulance care course on prehospital care practice in Penang, Malaysia. (M.Phil. (Public Health)), University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia. Retrieved from


Conference presentations

2012     Asian Emergency Medical Services Council Conference, Penang, Malaysia.

            Topics: Project Novo & Professional Development in Paramedic Practice.

2013     Philippine Society of Emergency Medical Technicians Conference, Manila.

            Topic: Professional Development in Australian Paramedic Practice.

2018     International Health Congress, Oxford, UK

            Topic: Professionalism and Education

Additional information

I am a member of the following professional body memberships, registrations and fellowships:

  • Fellow, Higher Education Academy
  • Member, College of Paramedics
  • Registrant, Paramedic Register, Health and Care Professionals Council, UK.