School of Education, Language and Psychology
Postgraduate courses
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Showing 31 - 40 of 60 results
With the unprecedented challenges our society is encountering, it is more important than ever that we explore and advance our understanding of international politics. On this course you will look at the complex nature of…
- Postgraduate Taught
- York campus
The international business world continues to rapidly evolve, and graduates are entering volatile economies. On this course you will investigate contemporary research, address global challenges and explore business simulations…
- Postgraduate Taught
- London campus
Marketing is central to the success of organisations. This Marketing MSc will introduce you to the diverse and exciting area of business, exploring everything from marketing strategy to brand management. The course brings…
- Postgraduate Taught
- York campus
This course is for managers who want to elevate their career or those who aspire to leadership roles in the future. The York Business School Master of Business Administration course (MBA) is an opportunity to develop your…
- Postgraduate Taught
- London campus, York campus
This course will help you develop your existing media production practice and further your career goals. Whether your aim is to develop as a filmmaker, documentarian, podcaster, radio producer or to run a YouTube channel, we will …
- Postgraduate Taught
- York campus
Work with, and learn from, musical experts who will support you in professionalising your creative voice. You'll further your skillset across performance, composing, facilitating, teaching, and recording. In addition, our team…
- Postgraduate Taught
- York campus
On this course you will work with experienced staff who are closely engaged with developments in the field of music production. We will support you as you explore key theories and concepts. You will develop the skills to innovate …
- Postgraduate Taught
- York campus
Occupational therapists support people to lead fulfilling lives. On this course you will learn how to work with people of all ages with physical, mental health and social difficulties. You will graduate ready to respond to the…
- Postgraduate Taught
- York campus
On this dynamic and transformative course, you will nurture your passion for patient care within the high-pressure environment of the operating theatre. Our Operating Department Practice MSc is an innovative postgraduate route…
- Postgraduate Taught
- York campus
Whether you are a health, or allied health professional looking to broaden your professional base, a biological sciences graduate looking for a practical, patient focused career, or you want to make use of the critical analysis…
- Postgraduate Taught
- York campus