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Transferring to York St John University

How to transfer your course or place of study.

Transferring to York St John

You can join any of our undergraduate courses in the second or third year by transferring credits from a different university.

Some courses will need a very close credit match. This is often the case where the course is externally accredited.

Externally accredited courses include:

  • Biomedical Science
  • Law
  • Midwifery
  • Nursing (Adult and Mental Health)
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Paramedic Science
  • Physiotherapy
  • Psychology
  • Radiography

We do not accept second or third year transfers for our Primary Education (3-7) and Primary Education (5-11) courses.

We are not able to consider a 3rd year transfer for either of our Nursing courses unless you are currently registered as a Nurse. This is due to a requirement as set by the Nursing Midwifery Council (NMC).

There are 2 ways you can transfer credits and join a course. You can transfer through UCAS or you can apply directly to us.

Transfer through UCAS

You can apply through UCAS using our institution code Y75 YSJ. When you apply, make sure to set the year of entry to year 2 or year 3 as appropriate.

You should make your application on the UCAS website.

Transfer by applying directly to us

We can accept direct applications if you have not already applied through UCAS.

You can apply using our Transfer Application Form.

What we need

Once we have received your form we will need one of the following:

  • An official transcript of the modules you have completed so far.
  • A list of modules you have taken with their titles, credit values and the marks you achieved.

To confirm your place we will need:

  • A final official transcript from your current university.

You do not need to have all of these documents before applying.

How we process your application

We will check that you have enough credits at the right level.

You need to have 120 credits at year 1 level to join a course in the second year. You will need an additional 120 credits at year 2 level to join a course in the third year.

We will then check whether the modules you have studied are relevant to the course you are transferring to.

It is important that you have covered similar subjects so that you will not struggle with your new course. We will match the subjects you have studied so far against the course you are applying for. For externally accredited courses the match will need to be very close.

Further information

Our team are here to help and can explain the process further. If you have any questions contact us at or on 01904 876 598.

Transferring between courses at York St John

We do everything we can to make sure that you are happy with your course after you have joined us. In some cases, you identify a course that would be more suitable after you start with us. We do our best to support these requests.

Normally course changes would take place within 2 weeks of you starting your first year. In some cases it is possible to transfer later.

After this period, it is possible for you to restart your studies on different courses in the next academic year.

Further details and application forms are on our Changing course page.

Transferring to another institution

For a variety of reasons, you may choose to leave your course at York St John. If you have gained credits during your studies here, it may be possible to transfer your credits to another institution.

You will need to apply to your chosen institution. We advise speaking to them at an early stage in the process. Universities have different ways of dealing with this process. Normally it is possible to apply for a transfer to another institution before you withdraw from York St John.

As part of the process, you will need an official transcript of your studies here in order to show the credits that you have gained. Our Student Records team can provide this. You can email them at

You can read more about the process on our Withdraw from your course page.

Our policy on credit transfers is available on our Regulations page.