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Study Abroad destinations

Aichi Shukutoku University


Aichi Shukutoku University is in Nagoya, less than 2 hours away from Tokyo and Osaka.

It was originally founded in 1905 as Aichi Shukutoku School of Girls. It became Aichi Shukutoku University in 1975.

What you can study

Course When you can study
Japanese, TESOL and Linguistics BA 3rd year, full year
Japanese, Intercultural Communication and Linguistics BA 3rd year, full year

Academic information

Choosing your modules

You need to gain the following credits from your modules:

  • 12 to 16 Japanese credits per semester
  • 24 to 32 Japanese credits per year

More information about study options is on the Aichi Shukutoku University student exchange programmes page.

Academic calendar

The academic year is split into 2 semesters:

  • Semester 1: late September to late January
  • Semester 2: mid April to early August

Visit the university website for a full list of academic dates for Aichi Shukutoku.

Accommodation, costs and visas


Accommodation abroad

Accommodation has to be arranged directly with Aichi Shukutoko University.

iHouse: approximately 20,000 JPY per month plus maintenance fees.

You need to pay a deposit of 40,000 JPY *Refundable pending the condition of the accommodation at the time of moving out.

Other costs:

  • Cleaning fee: 5,000 JPY after arrival and 5,000 JPY when you move out.
  • Maintenance fee: 5,000 JPY/month.
  • Electricity bill: monthly usage is approximately 1,000 JPY.


Please make sure you have an up to date passport that expires no earlier than 6 months after you intend to return.

You will be provided with guidance and documentation from the partner university but it will be your responsibility to obtain the correct visa.

Neither the Study Abroad team here or at the partner university are qualified to offer consultations or detailed advice regarding visa applications. Immigration laws are complex and subject to frequent changes. So if you do have any visa-related questions you will need to contact the appropriate Embassy directly.

Funding and costs


Funding is available to help you with study abroad costs. Please see our Funding page for more details.

Costs of studying

This information is about additional costs of studying at this host university. Please be aware that prices are subject to change, and the list may not be exhaustive.

We recommend looking at the host website, as well as entry requirements for the country, to get a full understanding of the costs involved.

You are required to pay into:

  • Japanese National Insurance: approximately ¥20,000 per year
  • Gakkensai (personal accident insurance): approximately ¥1,000 per year
  • Futai-Gakuso (comprehensive insurance): approximately ¥1,860 per year