Library - Research Support
Open Data
Information about open data, research data that is free to download, share and reuse.
During any research project, data is collected, observed and generated.
There is growing encouragement from research funders to share research data once a project concludes.
Sharing research data may:
- Increase the impact of your research
- Comply with funder requirements
- Lead to further research project and collaboration
- Ensure accountability and transparency of the research project
When preparing to share data, researchers should try and make research data FAIR:
- Findable – data and metadata should be easy to find
- Accessible – data is accessible and should be clear to understand
- Interoperable – data and metadata should be based on standardised vocabularies so that the data can be integrated into other workflows and systems
- Reusable – data and metadata should be well-described so others can replicate or combine the data/metadata
York St John researchers can share their research data using the University’s open data repository RaYDaR.