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Staff Profile

Dean Garratt

Associate Dean: International Programmes

Staff profile image of Dean Garratt

I graduated from the Manchester Metropolitan University with a 1st class honours degree in Business Education in 1993, following which I studied full-time (with bursary) for a PhD in education. Working in the borderlands of sociology, social theory and applied philosophy I developed an ethnographic study of curriculum innovation in a mainstream secondary school. Alongside doctoral research my HE teaching career began in 1994, and I was later appointed a Research Fellow following completion of my PhD in 1997.

For more than a decade I worked as a qualitative researcher and/or lead evaluator on a range of externally funded projects and independent evaluations, including sponsorships with the following agencies: Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC); Learning and Skills Research Council; Joint Information Systems Committee; sports coach UK; Institute of Global Ethics and Citizenship Foundation; DFES/Wellcome Trust; Lego-Siemens Business Partnership; Sure Start; Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service. At the same time, I taught and supervised doctoral research students and also led an ESRC-approved research training programme (MRes: Education and Society).

In 2007, I was appointed Senior Lecturer in Education Studies at Liverpool John Moores University, before taking up post as Reader in Education at the University of Chester (2010) followed by Professor of Education. This led to a secondment, first as Director of the University of Chester’s Graduate School (2014) and, subsequently, Associate Dean of Research (2015-2016). In 2017, I was appointed Professor of Education and Head of School at York St John, a position I held for two and a half years before leaving the University and later returning to the Business School (2021), reinvented as Director of International Programmes and later, Associate Dean.

Further information


As Associate Dean of International Programmes, I teach on the international MBA programme leading the module: Global Business Strategy.

I have additionally led and/or taught the following modules: Organisational Design and Strategic Thinking (Senior Leader Apprenticeship and Executive MBA as former programme leader); Business Development and Value Creation (MBA) Capstone Project (MBA/Executive MBA students); Global Business Issues (MSc International Business); and Contemporary Business Economics (UG Business Management).


With thirteen doctoral completions and twelve doctoral examinations (seven as external examiner), I continue to examine doctoral theses in the area of education. I have served as independent chair at more than twenty (multidisciplinary) doctoral vivas. To date, I have more than seventy career publications with a Google Scholar h-index of 25 and i-10 index of 37.

I have served as an ESRC bid reviewer and was appointed the University of Chester’s key respondent and peer reviewer to the ESRC’s Review of Doctoral Training Centres (2016). Between 2015 and 2021 I was Principal Editor of the Sage international online journal: Power and Education and have peer-reviewed for the following international academic journals:

  • Language and Intercultural Communication
  • Research in Education
  • International Journal of Qualitative Methods
  • Cogent Social Sciences
  • Transgender Studies Quarterly
  • Studies in Higher Education
  • International Journal for the Sociology of Sport
  • Social Sciences
  • Sage Open
  • Ethnography
  • Critical Studies in Education
  • Cambridge Journal of Education
  • Sociological Studies of Children and Youth
  • Sport, Education and Society
  • Citizenship, Education and Social Justice
  • Power and Education
  • Journal of Education Policy
  • Educational Action Research Journal
  • Journal of Education for Teaching
  • British Educational Research Journal

Professional activities

I am a Chartered Manager and Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute, Senior Fellow of Advance HE (formerly Higher Education Academy), Chartered Association of Business Schools’ Certified Management and Business Educator and UK Council for Graduate Education Recognised Research Supervisor.