Staff Profile
Ian Wilson
Senior Lecturer
BSc (Hons) Environmental Studies and Social Biology, PGCE Primary Education, Post Graduate Certificate in Academic Practice, Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, Certified Member of the Association for Learning Technologists (CMALT)
I have worked as a primary school teacher for 22 years across both key stages one and two. During this time I have worked as a coordinator for ICT, mathematics, music and assessment. My work as a phase leader included working at a strategic level as well as leading a teaching team within the school. I have been recognised as a Leading Teacher for Intervention and worked as part of the local authorities steering group for Able, Gifted and Talented and being awarded York Community Pride Teacher of the Year in 2009.
I was seconded to York St John University in 2011, completing a year before gaining a permanent position on the teaching staff. I completed my Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice in 2012 with a focus on developing good practice using PowerPoint – which has subsequently been published in a peer-reviewed journal.
My work within Initial Teacher Education focuses on an undergraduate level teaching mathematics and computing. I work as an academic tutor supporting students throughout their three years of studying.
- School – School of Education, Language and Psychology
- Email –
- Phone – 01904 876 137
Further Information
- UG Primary Education 3-7/5-11
- UG Education Studies
I teach mathematics across all three years of the undergraduate programme being module director for the first year module and working on the subject specialism module for mathematics in the third year. I also teach on the Education Studies programme on a third-year module titled ‘Digital Learning – the Future of Education?’ In 2014 I was nominated and awarded the Celebrating Exceptional People Awards 2014 - For Enhancing Student Experience and Student-Led Teaching Awards (SLTA) 2014 - For Innovative Teaching.
If you are coming along to either Open Days or Applicant Days at York St John University you will see me giving presentations or taking sessions and I always support you before you arrive at university since I coordinate the online course which supports you in your readiness for academic study.
My research focuses on the transformative journey from classroom teacher to becoming a teacher educator using narrative inquiry and autoethnography as research strategies.
Presented at HEA TeachMeet Event - 13th March 2013 - Use of iPads in ITE.
Presentation at Aston, Birmingham - 01 May 2013 - developing effective partnerships by the use of the cluster model.
04 June 2013 - Enhancing the formative assessment environment through the use of mobile technologies at Higher York Conference, York.
Presented at BERA 2013 - September 3-5th 2013 - The use of mobile devices to enhance student peer review and feedback.
Contributed to the HEA Social Science Blog post on Supporting Students for their Numeracy QTS skills test.
Guest Speaker at HEA Event - New to using social networking in learning and teaching July 2014.
Social Media Committee Member for Association for Partnership of Teachers in Education (2014 - 2015).
Wilson, I (2023) Decisions of a new researcher: To be accepted or rejected BERA Blog post.
Chapter in: Hopkins, D, (2017) Emergency Rations – what’s so important we can’t leave it at home?
Positive PowerPoint – developing good practice through practitioner research (TEAN Journal)
iPads in Higher Education Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on the Use of iPads in Higher Education (ihe2014)
Physical Mathematics (UK Ed chat magazine)
Professional activities and memberships
Assessor for CMALT portfolios.