Staff Profile
Rebecca Brown
International Programmes Tutor
I started my teaching career in Greece over 10 years ago where I taught English as a foreign language (EFL) at private language schools for three years. Returning to the UK I studied for the Diploma in English Language Teaching for Adults (DELTA) a level 7 qualification which enabled me to build on my teaching experience with the theoretical knowledge of teaching EFL. Since obtaining the DELTA I have worked at various universities on EFL summer programmes for young learners as both Senior Tutor and Director of Studies. In 2009 I joined the International Teaching Team at York St John, where I have been working as a tutor and module director on the International Foundation Programme, a Presessional Tutor and course director, Insessional Tutor and an English for Professional Development Tutor. I am interested in enhancing student experience with technology, specifically blended learning and have recently completed a course on Supporting Learning with Technology. I am also a CELTA (Certificate in English Language Teaching for Adults) teacher trainer.
- Email –
- Phone – 01904 876 236
Further Information
I am an English for Academic Purposes tutor in International Programmes.
I teach and coordinate a range of courses, including:
- Presessionals
- Insessionals
- International Foundation Programme
I’m also a teacher trainer on the CELTA courses at York St John University.
Professional Activities
I am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
I am a member of BALEAP (The global forum for EAP professionals).
I have the SEDA SLT Supporting Learning with Technology award.