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Staff Profile

Robyn Timothy

Lecturer in Sociology and Criminology

Robyn Timothy

I am currently a postgraduate researcher and graduate teaching assistant in social sciences at York St John University. Before this, I completed an MA in Women's Studies (Humanities) at the University of York (2017) and a BA (Hons) in Sociology at Newcastle University (2015). My main areas of interest include feminist theories, the body, gender, and sexualities.


I lead seminars on the following modules:

1SS001 - Researching and Presenting
1SC002 - Investigating Sociologically
1CL001 - Researching and writing for Criminologists
2CL004 - Gender, Sexuality and Crime


My current research explores gender and embodiment in relation to women's digital art practices through a collaborative methodology. This project takes influence from the notion of feminist standpoints and tenets of postmodernism to construct a framework to challenge essentialist binary thinking around the body, and focuses on the fluidity of embodied experiences to ask questions about the relationship between women’s bodies and the production of feminist art, and the blurred boundaries between digital and material bodies.

Professional Activities

Associate fellow of the Higher Education Academy