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Staff Profile

Dr Wendy Akpareva


I have a PhD in insolvency law from Nottingham Trent University. My thesis was based on business funding in corporate rescues and was a comparative analysis of the process in the UK, Canada and America. I also have an LLM in insolvency Law and International trade law from Nottingham Trent University and a Masters in Education from Sheffield Hallam University, where I won the Gervase Phinn Prize for the highest standard in a masters dissertation or project within education and related programmes. I am also a non-practising Solicitor and Barrister of the supreme court of Nigeria.

Further information


I am particularly interested in international comparative commercial/company/corporate law. I am also interested in Equality in Education.

Publications and Conferences


Akpareva, W. (2017) Is Arik Air Too Big To Fail?  13 October 2017, THISDAY & THE GUARDIAN.

Akpareva, W. (2015) Shall We Borrow a Leaf from the UK? Directors’ Liability in Insolvency; America in Context. In: Sarra, J.P and Romaine, B. eds. 14th Annual Review of Insolvency Law, 5th February 2016 Vancouver, Canada. Carswell, Toronto, pp 881-901 (peer-reviewed).

Akpareva, W. (2015) Designing Insolvency Legislations, one size fits all or tailored to measure? In: Parry, R. ed Designing Insolvency Systems, Papers from the INSOL Europe Tenth Anniversary Academic Forum Conference, 8-9 October 2014, Istanbul Turkey. INSOL Europe, Nottingham, pp 21-29.

Financing Corporate Rescues, Where does the UK Stand? Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (IALS) Student Review, Volume 1, Issue 2, spring 2014, pp. 12-20 (peer reviewed).

Re Nortel and Lehman Brothers; a conflict between the Insolvency Act and the Pension Act, Nottingham Law School Journal vol 23 2014, 133-139 (peer-reviewed).

Akpareva, W (2013) Securitization and Corporate Rescue; a Tale of Two Countries. In: Sarra, J.P. ed. 12th Annual Review of Insolvency Law, 7th February 2014 Vancouver, Canada. Carswell, Toronto, pp 841-873 (peer-reviewed).

Paper presentations

Paper presentation at the Annual Review of Insolvency Law conference  Vancouver, February 2016

Paper presentation at the INSOL (World) Academic Colloquium, San Francisco, March 2015

Paper presentation at the INSOL (Europe) Academic Colloquium, Istanbul Turkey, October 2014

Paper presentation at the Annual Review of Insolvency Law conference  Vancouver, February 2014

East-Midlands Annual Postgraduate Conference, (Discussant) University of Derby, September 2013

Presented a snap shot of research at INSOL (World) Academic Colloquium, Amsterdam, May 2012

Presentation of research at the 2012 annual graduate spring conference at the Nottingham Trent University Graduate Conference

Poster presentation of research at the 2011 annual graduate spring conference at the Nottingham Trent University Graduate Conference

Professional activities

I am an associate member of BRIPAN (Business Recovery & Insolvency Practitioners Association of Nigeria) and I facilitate training on insolvency law for insolvency practitioners in Nigeria.