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Brand guidelines

Managing your account

How to look after your York St John social media account, including what to do when you leave the University.

Person using phone

Please remember when running your account that you are representing York St John University in a public domain.

You must communicate accordingly in responses to direct messages (DMs), comments, and all content. You are responsible for all your content and should always follow the University's brand guidelines.

Following University-wide consultation, we have created an important dates calendar to mark major festivals, special days, and campaigns. These dates align with our values, and you are welcome to use our assets and messaging as part of a considered and united approach. If you intend to post about any other festival or international date, please consult the Communications team first:

Important dates calendar (Staff intranet)

Account security is your responsibility. Please make sure passwords are strong and shared as few times as possible. In addition, please make sure all accounts have 2-factor authentication.

For advice on content strategy, please contact

Social media paid advertising

All paid social media marketing must go through the central Marketing, Student Recruitment and Admissions directorate. Please refrain from running any paid advertisements outside of this, as it can conflict with the work we are doing to the detriment of our central campaigns. Please consult the Marketing team or Social Media Officer before considering paid campaigns.

Leaving the University

Your account must be handed over to another member of your team before your departure. If this is not possible, please close your account(s). Please update any details using the account details form.

Social media account details form

Closing accounts

If you no longer have the capacity to run your account, or your account has become redundant (inactive for any period greater than 3 months), please make sure you close down your account.

For any questions or for further advice please contact the University's Social Media Officer ( or the Communications team (