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Study Abroad destinations

Pacific University

Oregon, USA

Pacific University was founded in 1849, after orphans were educated by a local teacher and minister. From this, the university has a close community, built on the mission of 'education for all'.

Pacific offers a diverse learning in the arts and sciences, education, business, optometry and the health professions. 

Pacific University's focus on teaching and learning in a close nurturing environment leads to genuine transformation in students' lives. The campus has many events, clubs, and organisations on site. Facilities, amenities, and accommodation all are within the area of Forest Grove, but within close proximity to the city of Portland. The classes are small and personal, as well as having a high tutor to student rate.

Pacific University has a diverse and sustainable community, dedicated to discovery and excellence in teaching. There are students from every state in America, as well as students from over 20 countries.

What you can study

Course When you can study
Acting BA 2nd year, Semester 1
All Business courses (excluding Accounting and Finance) 2nd year, Semester 1 or 2
2nd year, full year
American Studies BA 2nd year, Semester 1
Creative Writing BA 2nd year, Semester 1
Drama and Theatre BA 2nd year, Semester 1
Drama: Education and Community BA 2nd year, Semester 1
Economics BA 2nd year, Semester 2
English Language and Linguistics BA 2nd year, Semester 1 or 2
English Language, Linguistics and TESOL BA 2nd year, Semester 1 or 2
English Literature BA 2nd year, Semester 1
Film and TV Production BA 2nd year, Semester 2
Film Studies BA 2nd year, Semester 1
History BA 2nd year, Semester 1
Journalism BA 2nd year, Semester 2
Law LLB, MLaw and MLaw Legal Practice 2nd year, Semester 2
Media and Communication BA 2nd year, Semester 1
Media Production BA 2nd year, Semester 2
Politics BA 2nd year, Semester 1
Sport and Exercise Science BSc 2nd year, Semester 2
Sports Journalism BA 2nd year, Semester 2

Academic information

Choosing your modules

You will need to gain the following credits from your modules: 

  • 12 to 15 US credits per semester
  • 24 to 30 US credits per year

You can see the module options in the Pacific University academic catalogue website.

Academic calendar

The term is split into 2 semesters: 

  • Semester 1: Mid August to mid December 
  • Semester 2: Late January to mid May

For a full list of dates, visit the Pacific University academic calendar.

Accommodation, costs and visas


Accommodation abroad

You are guaranteed accommodation while abroad at Pacific University. You will likely have to share a room.

The costs, based on 2024/25 academic year, are:

  • Semester 1: £1937.50 (payable in October to York St John)
  • Semester 2: £1937.50 (payable in January to York St John)

More details are available on the Pacific University accommodation pages.

Meal plan abroad

Pacific University offer several meal plan options. Costs are around $3,660 per semester, based on the 2024/25 academic year.

For more information, visit the Pacific University meal plan pages.

Please note you will need to pay for your meal plan at the start of your semester.

Accommodation in York

If you study abroad for 1 semester, you are guaranteed York St John University accommodation for the semester you are in York. This is based on York St John dates.


Please make sure you have an up to date passport that expires no earlier than 6 months after you intend to return.

You will be provided with guidance and documentation from the partner university but it will be your responsibility to obtain the correct visa. Neither the Study Abroad team here or at the partner university are qualified to offer consultations or detailed advice regarding visa applications. Immigration laws are complex and subject to frequent changes.

If you do have any visa-related questions you will need to contact the appropriate Embassy directly.

Overview of a student visa

The approximate cost for a student visa is $405, plus the cost of travel to the US Embassy in London.

Funding and costs


Funding is available to help you with study abroad costs. Please see our Funding page for more details.

Costs of studying

This information is about additional costs of studying at this host university. Please be aware that prices are subject to change, and the list may not be exhaustive.

We recommend looking at the host website, as well as entry requirements for the country, to get a full understanding of the costs involved.

Additional costs may include optional activity classes such as snowboarding.

Study Abroad student ambassadors

To find out more about this university or the study abroad experience, you can contact our student ambassadors below: