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Inter Library Loan and Resource Supply

If the York St John Library doesn't have what you need within our collections, we can supply further resources for staff and students through our network of partner libraries and institutions.

Our service

If York St John Library doesn't have what you need, the Inter Library Loan and Document Supply Service (ILL) can provide resources for your study, research, and teaching, including books, articles, and theses. To request an ILL, complete the ILL request form above, which is also available on the library catalogue.

We strive to provide resources as quickly as possible, primarily sourcing and delivering them electronically. All ILLs depend on receiving items from other libraries, so supply times vary based on resource type, the lending institution’s processes, and resource availability. Please allow at least 2 weeks for a resource to become available, regardless of format. If a longer delay is expected, we will inform you.

This service is available to York St John students and staff, except for students on short courses and external borrowers. We are not able to offer Interlibrary Loans to external borrowers, including SCONUL borrowers from other institutions. The University covers all costs involved, except for the British Library renewal fee which is £6.25. There is no annual limit on requests, but a maximum of 20 physical loans can be borrowed at one time.

Registered Accessibility Service users will be sent resources that are tailored to your needs. You must be registered with the Library's Accessibility Support services to receive these services. 

If you have any questions, contact us at

Requesting a book or book chapter

Books will be provided as eBooks whenever possible. If an eBook is unavailable, we will request a print copy. Print items can be collected from and returned to the Information Desk in Fountains.

Currently, we can only offer print ILLs to staff and students based on the York campus.

If you request a book chapter, it will be delivered as a PDF to your York St John email address.

We only supply Inter Library Loan copies of items we do not own. If there is an available eBook, please use that instead.

Renewing ILLs

Books will be provided as eBooks whenever possible. If an eBook is unavailable, we will request a print copy. Print items can be collected from and returned to the Information Desk in Fountains. Currently, we can only offer print ILLs to staff and students based on the York campus.

If you request a book chapter, it will be delivered as a PDF to your York St John email address.

We only supply Inter Library Loan copies of items we do not own. If there is an available eBook, please use that instead.

Requesting a journal article

Journal articles will be delivered as a PDF to your York St John email address. 

If the article is from the British Library, you will receive a link to your York St John email that allows you to download the PDF. Please note that this link expires after 30 days. 

Requesting a thesis

If a PhD thesis is not available on EThOS, or is listed but not available to download, we can request a digitisation for you. Complete the ILL request form and the thesis will be sent as a PDF to your York St John email address. 

Overdue Inter Library Loans

If Inter Library Loans are not returned by their due date, you will receive overdue notices by email and be charged £1.00 per day per item.

Please note that accruing fines of £10.00 or more will suspend your borrowing privileges. This means you will no longer be able to request further Inter Library Loans, borrow items from the Library, and any current items you have on loan will no longer auto-renew.

If Inter Library Loans aren't returned within 14 days of their due date, you will be invoiced for the replacement costs and any accrued fines.

ILL requesting tips

Make sure to search the library catalogue or A-Z journals before creating a request; we may already have access.

Please include as much detail as possible on the ILL request form, such as volume, issue, and page numbers. While ISSNs and ISBNs are helpful, they are not essential.

If you only need a book chapter, please request that instead of the whole book, as it may arrive quicker.

Contact us

If you have any questions you can contact us at