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Study skills

TurnItIn help

Information on submitting your assignments through TurnItIn.

Plagiarism is the offence of publishing another writer’s findings, opinions or words as if they were one’s own and original. Failure to acknowledge and correctly attribute another writer’s work is tantamount to plagiarism and the plagiarist will be severely penalised. Severe cases may lead to failure of your degree.

TurnItIn submissions

Submissions for assignments are checked for originality using a website called TurnItIn.

Submitting an assignment to TurnItin via Moodle (SharePoint)

For a TurnItIn Moodle assignment, if the tutor has made the settings available you will be able to view a similarity report in the assignment submission area.

TurnItIn self check

You can self-check your own work to get a report on its originality before the actual submission if you wish. This is through a special Moodle course that you can self enrol onto Academic Integrity.

Check your own work in TurnItIn before submission (SharePoint)

Viewing TurnItIn similarity report and feedback

You can view the report that TurnItIn generates, along with tutor feedback if applicable.

Viewing TurnItIn similarity report and feedback (SharePoint)