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Quality gateway


A number of committees are involved in the development, monitoring and continuation of collaborative provision. The information below lists the committees involved and their responsibilities.

Executive Board & Collaborative Provision Sub-Committee

Collaborative Provision Sub-Committee is responsible, on behalf of the Executive Board, for decisions regarding the development and approval of a proposed partnership by carrying out due diligence enquiries and identifying potential risks to the proposed arrangement, or to the reputation of the University.

The Committee also reviews, as necessary, the capacity of partner organisations to continue to fulfil their designated role within a partnership or to meet the requirements of any extension to the activities of the partnership and advise the Executive Board accordingly.

Quality and Standards Committee

Quality and Standards Committee (QSC) approves programmes as part of the University's programme approval process. QSC plays no direct role in approving partners. 

QSC also scrutinises all Annual Monitoring Reports related to collaborative provision, as part of the annual monitoring process, to ensure the academic health of the provision.

Academic Board

Academic Board reviews partnership agreements and gives final approval of the partner, on behalf of the University.