Quality Gateway
Collaborative Provision
Collaborative Provision - Strategy
Collaborative Provision is seen as beneficial in terms of advancing the University's reputation, supplementing its academic offer, internationalising all aspects of the University's mission, and providing opportunities for learners from non-traditional backgrounds. Primary considerations centre upon whether the academic discipline matches the expertise of the University's staff, and whether it lies in an area cognate with the University's current and developing portfolio. Staffing resources are reviewed to ensure they are sufficient to meet support requirements; this is addressed through the development of business cases. Subject to approval at this stage, due diligence review is then undertaken supplemented with site visits. Regular quality assessment takes place once partnerships have been initiated.
In this way, the University undertakes a comprehensive analysis of the potential value of the partnership to all stakeholders, the reputation and standing of the partner organisation, its capacity to deliver to the standards expected by the University and to sustain a student experience commensurate with that enjoyed by students enrolled at York St John University.
Collaborative Provision - A Definition of Scope
As a term, collaborative provision (or partnerships), covers a broad range of activities in modern Higher Education. These pages are dedicated to the procedures and information around:
- Franchising programmes to other institutions
- Validating programmes at other institutions
- Working with, and monitoring, these types of partnerships
- Supporting these types of partners
- Articulation Agreements/Progression Arrangements
All these Collaborative Agreements are signed by the Vice Chancellor or nominee.
They do not cover:
- Exchanges/Erasmus
- Partners involved in supporting students’ work related learning
- Non-credit bearing enterprise activities
- Research collaborations/arrangements for external research students
Or any of the other types of partnerships York St John engages with to enhance opportunities for our students and build links with the community.
Details of our Collaborative Partners