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Social and Solidarity Economy

Associate partners and supporters

Our project supporters and partners come from across the globe.

The Social and Solidarity Economy project gained support from the following organisations.

Global partners

Expand the drop-down to see our partners in each continent.

African Chapter of Erasmus Mundus Alumni Association

The mission of the African Chapter of Erasmus Mundus Alumni Association is to serve the interests of Erasmus Mundus prospective candidates, students and alumni from Africa. The Chapter's goals is to promote EMA activities through organisation of workshops, events, participation in educational fairs, networking to provide assistance to prospective applicants and newly selected EMA students to build networks and strengthen unity and friendship.

University of Cape Verde -Dpto. de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades

Fundação Educação Desenvolvimento, Guinea Bissau

The National Institute of Studies and Research (INEP), Guinea-Bissau

Founded in 1984, its main objectives are to promote studies and research in social and natural sciences related to the problems of development of Guinea-Bissau and contribute to the development of local human resources. The Centre for Socio-Economic Studies (CESE), one of the units of INEP:

  1. Promotes, executes and coordinates studies and research in the fields of economics, sociology and other related sciences.
  2. Promotes studies and research on the socio-economic situation in Guinea-Bissau and disseminates them.
  3. Organises conferences and seminars and other academic events aimed at disseminating scientific knowledge.

European Chapter of Erasmus Mundus Alumni Association.

The chapter unites EMA members from the following countries:

  • EU member states
  • Albania
  • Andorra
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Croatia
  • Iceland
  • Kosovo
  • Liechtenstein
  • Macedonia
  • Monaco
  • Montenegro
  • Norway
  • San Marino
  • Serbia
  • Switzerland
  • Turkey

Florida Universitària

Florida Universitària in Catarroja, Valencia, Spain, is part of Florida Cooperative Education Group. It is affiliated to both the University of Valencia and the Polytechnic University of Valencia and offers degrees and master Degrees.

It is a dynamic and innovative centre, which promotes the development of entrepreneurial attitudes among its students with the object of facilitating their integration into the professional world. Furthermore, it is focused on the creation of knowledge by bridging theory and practice and also, on cooperative enterprise. Contact: Inmaculada Mora Orti.

University of Porto

The University of Porto is currently the largest education and research institution in Portugal. It is also the leading producer of science in Portugal, with 2308 indexed articles in the ISI Web of Science in 2009, representing 22% of the articles produced in Portugal, and an annual growth rate of 13% since 2005.
Considering international cooperation, UP was in 2011 the choice of 3380 international students from 98 different countries from all continents. These numbers are the result of a long tradition of cooperation with higher education institutions.

Catholic University of Portugal

The Porto Regional Centre (UCP-Porto) of the Catholic University of Portugal (UCP) has about 6000 students and 600 faculty members at several faculties (Arts, Bioethics, Biotechnology, Business School, Health Sciences, Law, Economics and Management, Education and Psychology, Government and Public Politics and Theology). There are two trans-disciplinary units promoting collaborative projects across campus in the fields of entrepreneurship and social economy.

The first of them is Spinlogic, at the heart of which is an incubator that was launched more than 10 years ago. This incubator now supports more than 120 business projects.

The other one is the Transversal Social Economy Area, which manages about thirty projects including a Master programme in Social Economics, training programmes for managers and other staff of social economy organisations, research projects on social innovation and  the social economy, and community projects.

Zagreb School of Economics and Management

The Zagreb School of Economics and Management is Croatia's leading business school. With over 1100 students, ZSEM offers and undergraduate programs in economics and management, with graduate programs in economics, management, marketing, accounting, finance, and more.  Voted the best business school in Croatia for the last five years consecutively, ZSEM also became the first AACSB accredited business school not only in Croatia, but in all of South Eastern Europe in 2013. AACSB accreditation is the gold standard of business education, and only 5% of the world's business schools possess it.

University of Northampton

The University of Northampton has set itself the objective of being number 1 in the UK for social enterprise, and has recently had this confirmed by becoming the first UK university to join the coveted group of just 22 AshokaU Changemaker Campuses globally, for our commitment to implementing social enterprise and innovation across the whole campus. We have extensive practice and extensive experience in designing and delivering innovative social enterprise higher education opportunities. This experience is being delivered in partnership with our Student Union through the Changemaker Campus, powered by UCEE.

One of our roles as an associate partner will be to disseminate findings of the project in our international conferences, in particular the influential International Social Innovation Research conference that Northampton will host in 2014.

Institute of Cultural Affairs, Spain

The Institute of Cultural Affairs in Spain is an NGO enabling people to achieve positive social transformation through teaching and practising Technology of participation (ToP) methods of participation. Its role in this project is to transfer its methods, techniques and tools into the methodological framework of the project whenever it is applicable.

ENSIE (European Network of Social Integration Enterprises)

ENSIE gathers 23 national and regional networks of work integration social enterprises, representing 16 countries of the European Union (Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and United Kingdom) as well as Serbia and Switzerland. All these networks pursue, in a manner adapted to local constraints, objectives of social integration of disfavoured publics.

Together, they total some 2,400 Work Integration Social Enterprises, and more than 378,000 salaried persons.

This social economy project is important because in order to have sustainable WISEs. It is important to have qualified managers.

It is important to introduce the social economy sector in University courses.

Social Enterprise Yorkshire and the Humber (SEYH)

Social Enterprise Yorkshire and the Humber represents, promotes and connects social enterprises in the Yorkshire and Humber region. SEYH Ltd is a not-for-private-profit company limited by guarantee. Our members are social enterprises within the region. SEYH exists to:

  • Develop a Regional Network of social enterprises
  • Provide a single information portal for social enterprise
  • Represent the sector Lobby on behalf of the sector
  • Undertake research on the needs and nature of the sector
  • Help create new markets for social enterprise
  • Raise public and institutional understanding of social enterprise
  • Mainstream social enterprise within society

Initiatives of Change, Switzerland

Initiatives of Change, UK

York CVS, UK

Latin American Chapter of Erasmus Mundus Alumni Association

The mission of the Latin American Chapter of Erasmus Mundus Alumni Association is to create a network of Latin Americans participating in the European Erasmus Mundus Programme in order to improve the quality of their educational experience, to enhance the networking and professional opportunities after graduation, and to provide information for prospective Erasmus Mundus candidates coming from the Latin American region.

Erasmus Mundus Alumni Association North American Chapter

The goals of Erasmus Mundus Alumni Association North American Chapter are:

  • To increase the awareness about and promote Erasmus Mundus and higher education in Europe among prospective students and within the academic circles within our region.
  • To offer networking opportunities for Erasmus Mundus alumni living in the North American region.

Universidad Agraria La Molina, Perú

La Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina es una institución educativa universitaria especializada en la formación de profesionales competentes para los sectores agrosilvopecuario, pesquero, alimentario y económico, que se distinguen por ser líderes, proactivos, innovadores, competitivos, con capacidad de gestión y tener compromiso social. Genera, y aplica conocimientos obtenidos de la investigación básica y aplicada para el desarrollo sostenible del país.

Universidad de Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca", Cuba

La Universidad de Pinar del Río contribuye con calidad y pertinencia al desarrollo sostenible de la provincia y la nación, a partir de la formación integral de los estudiantes, la superación continua de los profesionales y directivos, la generación y promoción de cultura y la ciencia e innovación tecnológica, en el contexto de los programas de desarrollo de la Revolución Cubana, con énfasis en la universalización de la Educación Superior.

Universidad Autónoma de Chapingo, Mexico

Universidad Autónoma de Chapingo es una institución pública pertinente, con liderazgo y reconocimiento nacional e internacional con alta calidad académica en la educación; los servicios y la transferencia de las innovaciones científicas y tecnológicas que realiza; la importancia y magnitud de sus contribuciones en investigación científica y tecnológica; y por el rescate y la difusión cultural que desarrolla.

Universidad Católica "Nuestra Señora de la Asunción" Campus Itapúa, Paraguay

Universidad Intercultural de Chiapas, Mexico

Universidad Intercultural de Chiapas es una Institución de Educación Superior Pública y Descentralizada del Gobierno del Estado, que sobre la base del modelo educativo intercultural forma profesionistas de calidad, con valores, compromiso social y dominiode lenguas originarias de la entidad, a partir de la integración de conocimientos de los pueblos originarios y científicos para contribuir a la construcción de una sociedad con mejor calidad de vida.

La Asociación Hotelera Mexicana de Hoteles y Moteles de Comitán de Domínguez y Frontera Sur (AHMOCSUR).

La función de los empresarios y cooperativas en este proyecto para generar un dinamismo entre empresarios y emprendimientos sociales, como son las cooperativas de eco-turismo para potenciar el empleo en ambos sectores.

Red Nacional de Investigadores y Educadores en Cooperativismo y Economía Solidaria (RedCoop), Mexico.

Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Colombia

La Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana está basada en los principios del humanismo cristiano, el magisterio de la Iglesia y los ideales del libertador Simón Bolívar.

La excelencia académica durante varias décadas, ha permitido que la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, hoy sea miembro de reconocidas organizaciones como la Asociación Colombiana de Universidades ASCUN, la Federación Internacional de Universidades Católicas FIUC, la Unión de Universidades de América Latina UDUAL, la Asociación Internacional de Universidades AIU, la Asociación Universitaria Iberoamericana de Postgrados AUIP y la Asociación de Televisión Educativa Iberoamericana ATEI.

En la seccional Bucaramanga de la UPB, funciona la Facultad de Comunicación Social – Periodismo, que en sus 15 años de trabajo ha tenido la misión de formar comunicadores sociales - periodistas integrales, con sólidas bases conceptuales, perspectiva global, responsabilidad social y propositivos frente al desarrollo regional y nacional. Contacto principal: Melba Quijano.

Fundación Mujer y Futuro, Colombia

Universidad Nacional de Quilmes - Extensión, Argentina

La Red Internacional de Educación y Economía Social y Solidaria, en el marco del Proyecto Trabajo Autogestionado de la Dirección General de Vinculación Social de la Secretaría de Extensión de la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, en alianza con el Consorcio York St. John del Reino Unido, está colaborando en la difusión de la encuesta internacional dirigida a actores de la economía social y solidaria.

School of Public Administration, University of Victoria in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Social Economy Centre (SEC) of the University of Toronto, Canada

The Social Economy Centre promotes and disseminates multidisciplinary research and policy analysis on issues affecting the social economy. The research completed through the centre is prepared in many formats, including fact sheets and backgrounders for non-academics. The SEC also disseminates information about the social economy to secondary schools and universities in an effort to create greater awareness in the curriculum. A central feature of the Social Economy Centre is to create a bridge between the university and other community organizations, particularly nonprofits and co-operatives. To this end, the SEC has a monthly workshop series through which leaders in social economy organizations can upgrade their skills and acquire a certificate, and it also has a monthly speakers series that is webcast and archived on its website. Role in the project: The social economy centre is sharing teaching resources about the social economy.

Indian Chapter of Erasmus Mundus Alumni Association (EMAInd)

The chapter unites all Indian students and alumni of Erasmus Mundus. The main objective of EMAInd is to promote the European Union as a centre of excellence in the field of higher education among Indians. EMAInd aims to work in tandem with Erasmus Mundus Association to enhance the visibility and attractiveness of European higher education in India.

Middle East Chapter

The Middle East Chapter aims to unify all Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni coming from the Middle East Region under one umbrella. Our mission is to help the students and graduates to improve their Erasmus Mundus experience.

We aim to promote Europe as centre of knowledge and to increase Middle Eastern's interest in the higher education in Europe.

Caux Round Table, Japan

The Caux Round Table (CRT) is an international network of principled business leaders working to promote a moral capitalism. The CRT advocates implementation of the CRT Principles for Business through which principled capitalism can flourish and sustainable and socially responsible prosperity can become the foundation for a fair, free and transparent global society.

Additional contributors

We are also grateful to the following people who are contributing their expertise to the Social and Solidarity Economy project:

  • Natasha Almond (UK): field research and networking
  • Olavo Bilac Cardoso (Centre for African Studies, University of Oporto/Cape Verde): networking and facilitating field research in Cape Verde
  • Mike Calvert (York St John University, UK): articles about social economy in UK and Kenya; networking; translation (Spanish to English)
  • Francisco Blanco-Encomienda (University of Granada, Spain): data analysis
  • Sara Garrido (Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Oporto, Portugal): transcriptions of interviews
  • Enrique Gutierrez (Spain): translation (English to Spanish)
  • Charles Hanks (UK): field research, writing articles and translation (Spanish to English)
  • Vasillca Jeremias (Professional of the Non-Governmental Organization for Development TESE – Engineers Without Borders, Mozambique): field research in Mozambique
  • Laura Kreiling (UK/Germany): field research and literature review
  • Eunice Lamolinairie (University of Oporto, Portugal): translation (Portuguese to French)
  • Inês Pinto Cardoso (Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Oporto, Portugal): transcriptions of interviews
  • Yuki Wada (UK/Japan): translation of survey (English to Japanese)