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Welcome Guide

Confirmation process for conditional offer holders

Confirmation is when we let you know your place with us has been confirmed. Find out about the process here.

Waiting for your results to see if you have been accepted by your university can be a difficult time. This page explains the process of confirming your place and shows you how quick and easy it is to find out if you’ve been accepted.

We will receive results for A levels, most BTECs, some Access courses and Irish Highers from UCAS on Friday 9 August. We can't share these results or let you know if your place has been confirmed until 8.00am on Thursday 15 August. This is called the UCAS Embargo.

During this time we will be looking at results and applications to make decisions on all the applicants we can.

Finding out our decision

We have confirmed your place with us if your status with York St John University on UCAS Hub is UF (unconditional firm).

You will be able to access your UCAS Hub account from 8.00am on Thursday 15 August. This is the day your results are published.

Find out more about UCAS Hub and how to sign in on the UCAS website.


If you have not met the conditions of your offer

First of all, do not panic. Sometimes we can confirm offers even if you have missed your offer conditions. Please check your UCAS Hub to check your status with us. If it is UF, we have confirmed your place.

If a decision has not been made

There are a few reasons we might not have made a decision about your application. This is usually because we do not have the information to decide if you have met all your conditions.

Additional conditions

You might have additional conditions that are separate to your academic results. Carefully check your offer to make sure you understand what you need to do. You might have conditions like:

  • Send us certificates from qualifications you have taken previously
  • Complete a DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) or medical check

We cannot confirm your place until these conditions have been met.

If you have not taken action to meet these conditions, this might be why we have not been able to make a decision about your application. Please action these conditions as soon as you can.

International qualifications

We are not automatically notified of all qualification types. If your qualification is an international qualification, we will not have received your result, so we will not have made a decision. You will need to send us a scan or a good quality clear photograph of your results. This can be sent to

GCSE grades

If your offer is conditional on you gaining GCSE grades, these results will not come out until the week after A levels. Once you receive a formal notification, please scan this or take a good clear photograph and email it to us at

Alternative course offers

If we cannot accept you onto the course your originally applied for, we may be able to offer you a place on a different course. If we offer you a place on another course, you will need to use UCAS Hub to confirm if you want this place.

Speak to us

If you need to talk to someone about your offer confirmation, you will be able to call us on 01904 809 700 from 8.00am on Thursday 15 August. You will need to select the 'speak to the confirmation team' option when you call. You can also email us at

Deferring your place or withdrawing your application

We hope that we will see you in September, but if you decide not to join us this year, please contact us as soon as possible. You can do this by emailing

We have limited places on our courses and if you choose to withdraw or defer, we can offer your place to another applicant.

The most important thing on results day is to keep calm, check your status on UCAS Hub and get in touch if you need to. We'll be here to help.