Brand guidelines
Downloadable logo assets and guidance on how to use them.
On this page you can find guidance on our primary and secondary logos and how to use them. You can also find information about our crest.
For assistance with the application of the brand please contact the Marketing team:
Primary logo
There are 2 versions of the primary York St John University logo:
- Transparent logo in black
- Transparent logo in white
The transparent logo in black should be used when placed on a white or clear background.
The transparent logo in white should be used when placed on a dark image or background. It can also be used as an alternative logo on a white background.

Secondary logo
We have created a secondary version of the York St John University logo that is a solid black box version. This can be used when the logo needs to be overlaid onto graphics, textures or images. It can also be used when the logo needs more impact on a communication.
This version should only be considered for use when either versions of the primary logo are not legible.

The Crest
The York St John University crest has been an important symbol of the University's identity and heritage for over 60 years. The crest connects us with the city of York and the county of Yorkshire. It includes our Latin motto, which translates as 'that they should have life and have it more abundantly'.
The crest is not designed to be a modern logo and it should not be used as such. As a standalone design it does not include the University's name. Therefore it only should be used for specific activities where the association to the University is clear. This includes its usage on sports team kits and as part of the graduation ceremonies.
The crest is the preserve of the University's Vice Chancellor's Office and any other application of the crest should be with the Vice Chancellor's approval.