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Institute for Social Justice

Read our reports

Reports and evaluations conducted by the Institute for Social Justice.

Brick building in quad with ivy growing up the side

Launched in 2020, the Institute for Social Justice conducts interdisciplinary research and evaluation.

We are able to draw upon expertise from across the University and seek to work with partners to develop research that is relevant, impactful and accessible.

Menfulness Evaluation of Service Report (July 2024)

A man smiling.

Conducted by Dr Gary Shepherd and Holly Murphy in collaboration with the charity Menfulness, this report focuses on men's mental health support and suicide prevention impacts. Funded through the ISJ Community Research Grants programme.

Download the report: Menfulness Evaluation of Service Report (PDF, 1.5MB)

The Dancefloor Project 2023-24 Report

Cover of the Dancefloor report

The Dancefloor Project worked with arts collective Bolshee and psychology researchers at YSJU to explores ways we can make everyone feel safe and reduce sexual harm in public spaces. Funded through the ISJ Community Research Grants programme.

Download the report: Dancefloor report (PDF, 4.9 MB)

Listening to community perspectives (May 2024)

Two individuals sitting together, talking and smiling

Conducted in collaboration with Give a Gift through our Community Research Grants, this report explores how inequalities in health and wellbeing for refugees and asylum seekers can be addressed from the perspective of these communities themselves.

Download the report: Listening to community perspectives (PDF, 2 MB)

Therapeutic Green Social Prescribing Programmes (February 2024)

Hands digging and planting in a raised flower bed

A feasibility study of therapeutic green social prescribing for migrants with lived experience of psychological distress: participatory methodology and evaluation of the impact of NHS charities Funded Green Activities Programmes.

Download the report: YSJ Therapeutic Green Social Prescribing Programmes (PDF, 5.1 MB)

Learning and Impact Study of the Community Research Grants Programme 2022-2023 (November 2023)

Community Research Grants Programme (November 2023)

The Community Research Grants programme serves as a vital platform for nurturing collaborative partnerships between YSJ and VCSE organisations. Reviewing the outcomes and lessons from six CRG collaborations, this report emphasises the CRG programme’s significance and offers insights into effective community-academic collaborations.

Download the report: Community Research Grants Programme (PDF, 4MB)

Rural Health Inequalities (September 2023)

Front cover of Rural Health Inequalities report

Conducted in collaboration with Healthwatch North Yorkshire through our Community Research Grants, this report explores the relationship between in-land rurality and people's experiences of accessing and using local healthcare services, including GPs, dentists, pharmacies, or hospital care.

Download the report: Rural Health Inequalities (PDF, 2.1 MB)

Does my body count? (September 2023)

Front cover of Does my body count? report

Led by Dr Ruth Knight, this project was a collaboration between researchers and local charity GeneraTe. The project explored how gender influences trans, non-binary, and gender non-conforming peoples' experiences of disordered eating. This zine shares the findings with the community (zine designed by Roma Loudun.)

Download the zine: Exploring the disordered eating experiences of the trans community (PDF, 1.8 MB)

Migrants identifying challenges and establishing research priorities (September 2023)

Front cover of ‘Bring your voice to the World café’ Migrants identifying challenges and establishing research priorities report

Researchers at York St John organised a World café with migrants living in York to find out about the challenges they face, and their perspectives on research priorities. This event was organised as part of an ongoing partnership between York St John University and Our City Hub in York, a support hub run for and by migrants.

Download the report: 'Bring your voice to the World café' Report (PDF, 2.3 MB)

Disability Access to Blue Spaces (July 2023)

Front cover of the report for Disability Access to Blue Spaces

This report is from a Community Research Grant project in collaboration with Open Country exploring disability access to blue spaces (lakes, seas, lidos, reservoirs and rivers).

Download the report: Disability Access to Blue Spaces Report (PDF, 2 MB)

School Transition for Autistic Young People in Mainstream Settings (October 2022)

Front cover of School transitions for autistic young people report

This report presents findings from a longitudinal study exploring the experiences of autistic young people as they progressed from primary school through the first three years of mainstream secondary school.

The research aimed to uncover factors that promote, or act as barriers to, positive educational outcomes for autistic young people in mainstream schools.

Download the reflection report: School Transition for Autistic Young People in Mainstream Settings (PDF, 4.9 MB)

Living Lab: Learning at the Junction (August 2022)

Front cover of Institute for Social Justice report on Learning at the Junction

The Living Lab is an interdisciplinary network of York St John University staff and students, external organisations, local activists, and City of York councillors and officers, which aims to find innovative solutions to real-life problems.

For our Living Lab's inaugural year, the project focused on the air quality at the Lord Mayor's Walk junction immediately outside the campus, and how the urban environment could be improved.

Download the reflection report: Living Lab: Learning at the Junction Report (PDF, 4.9 MB)

Suitcase Stories: Independent Evaluation Report (August 2022)

Front cover of Institute for Social Justice Suitcase Stories report

Suitcase Stories is a Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) funded public engagement project that used storytelling to explore climate adaptation with young people.

For this independent evaluation, SOS-UK worked with the project team at York St John University to devise a range of data collection methods to feed in to this evaluation.

Download report: Suitcase Stories: Evaluation Report (PDF, 0.7 MB)

Suitcase Stories: Teachers’ Resources (July 2022)

Students sitting together making a mind map

Suitcase Stories explored climate adaptation through participatory storytelling with young people. We have produced resource packs for young people aged 7 to 11 and 11 plus, that you can download below:

Resource pack for ages 7 to 11 (PDF, 2.1MB)

Resource pack for ages 11 plus (PDF, 1.5MB)

Together While Apart: The Creative Doodle Book and Inclusive Online Arts during Covid-19 (Nov 2021)

Together While Apart front cover

In 2020-21, York St John University worked with Mind the Gap Theatre Company to develop and deliver inclusive online community arts during Covid-19.

Download report: Together While Apart: The Creative Doodle Book (PDF, 11.8 MB)

Theatre Hullabaloo: Baby Pack Evaluation (July 2021)

Institute for Social Justice Report cover

This evaluation was commissioned by Theatre Hullabaloo to consider the impact of the Hullabaloo Baby Play Pack Programme on the experience of new parents and their babies during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Download report: Theatre Hullabaloo Baby Play Pack Evaluation Report (PDF, 8.7 MB)