Interdisciplinary Witches
This research group is led by Dr Zoë Enstone and Dr Sharon Jagger.
The trope of 'the witch' has long been a focus of study across disciplines.
Historical accounts, social transformation, feminist subversions, and fictional and creative reconsiderations give us different facets of the notion of the witch. Some notions are perceived as liberating and others reinforcing notions of witchcraft as ‘other’, dangerous, anti-Christian, and polluting.
In this research group, we consider the following questions:
- What connects these iterations of the witch trope?
- What underpins our fascination with the witch?
- How are witches reflected and transformed in the variety of ways in which they have been reimagined?
- How does the historical narrative of the witch craze feed into gender politics today?
- How are people developing spiritual and political independence through witchcraft?
- Does the witch have feminist potential?
We are a group of researchers from a wide range of disciplines and with a range of responses and ideas about witchcraft. This group provides a space to consider the witch more widely and across disciplinary boundaries.
Get in touch
We welcome enquiries on any aspect of witchcraft. The group reflects interests and approaches across disciplines, historical periods, forms and perspectives.
Research activity
Toil and Trouble: A mini-symposium in search of the interdisciplinary witch, 31 October 2023
Group members
Dr Zoë Enstone
Group leader
Dr Sharon Jagger
Group leader
Dr Morag Galloway
Course Leader BA Musical Theatre, Lecturer in Music and Musical Theatre
Kiran Tanna
Technical Demonstrator in Moving Image and Lighting Design
Dr Sarah O'Brien
Associate Head of School (Performance)
Isabelle Berrow
Postgraduate Researcher
Louise MacLeod
Postgraduate Researcher
Dr Lauren Stephenson
Senior Lecturer, Film and Media & Communications
Chloe Hanks
Postgraduate Researcher
Dr Katherine Cross
Lecturer, Liberal Arts (History)
Helen Turner
Subject Director: Fine Art