Teaching support from the Library
Library and Learning Services is a key partner in supporting your teaching and your students' learning.
Use the sections below to explore the support we provide
If you are a visiting lecturer to York St John University, use our Quick start guide for Visiting Lecturers (PDF 80.6 KB)
Discover and find
Your Academic Liaison Librarian
Each subject has its own specialist Academic Liaison Librarian who will support you with acquiring library resources for your teaching.
Search subject resources
Explore our A-Z list of databases and subject based tools.
Reading resources guidance
Our reading resources guidance supports the decision making of librarians and academic staff in choosing the most appropriate, accessible and cost-effective resources to support your teaching.
I AMplify
Explore our work to make our collections more diverse and equitable.
Search our catalogues
Use our library catalogue searches to find books, ebooks, and journal articles to support your teaching
Create and share
Creating and editing reading lists
Find out how to create and edit your reading lists.
Digital Scanning Service
If you need a scan of a chapter or an article for a reading list, our Digital Scanning Service can help.
Copyright for teaching staff
Find out how copyright impacts your teaching, as well as resources to find public domain and creative commons resources.
Develop and learn
Develop your students' Library, Study and Digital skills
We have expert Academic Liaison Librarians, Study Development Tutors, and Digital Trainers who can work with you to embed learning development of library, study and digital skills into your modules.
Supporting students to develop criticality
A guide to Study Development resources for teaching staff.
Digital Training courses
Digital Training courses cover lots of core digital skills, including how to make your documents accessible.
Information in the Curriculum
Information in the Curriculum is our Community of Practice for exploring theories and models of information use and evaluation, and sharing best practice for implementing these in curriculum and the classroom.