Tackling Welfare in Sport Together (TWiST)
This research group is led by Dr Graeme Law and Dr Mark Mierzwinski and is based in the School of Science, Technology and Health.
We adopt a social scientific approach to a broad range of welfare-related issues within sport.
Our research includes relationships within professional football, focusing on transitions, educational programmes, displacement, agents, injuries and gambling. We also have a keen interest in children's right to play and practices surrounding a 'duty of care' particularly concerning gender, banter, bullying and changing room environments.
Graeme has consulted for UEFA regarding gambling, whilst Mark has recently published a funded partnership report on combatting loneliness through sport and has co-authored a 'Bullying in School Sport' funded report for the Ben Cohen Stand-Up Foundation. We welcome further collaborative work and/or funded research projects.
Get in touch
If you are an organisation that would benefit from our expertise or a researcher who wishes to be part of this group, please email or
Research activity
Law G, Bloyce D, Waddington I. Sporting celebrity and conspicuous consumption: A case study of professional footballers in England. International Review for the Sociology of Sport (2021).
Hague N, Law G. 'I was really, really shocked': A sociological exploration of the transition experiences of English Youth Academy male footballers from school to work. International Review for the Sociology of Sport (2022).
Group members
Dr Mark Mierzwinski
Group leader, Senior Lecturer
Dr Graeme Law
Group Leader, Associate Head of School
Dr Andy Scattergood
Course leader
Nicola Hague
Postgraduate researcher
Katie Slee
Postgraduate researcher
Matthew Green
Postgraduate researcher
Ben Richardson
Postgraduate researcher
Ruth Matthewson
Postgraduate Researcher