Nursing Practice Placements
Supporting the student learning experience
How you will support and assess placement students.
The Practice Assessment Documentation (PAD) for the programme provides details of when assessments will occur and how the evidence of development, progression and achievement is documented and communicated.
It is completed along with the electronic Ongoing Achievement Record (OAR) which summarises the student experience.
Interviews to support practice learning
The student practice learning experience is structured around a series of interviews with the practice assessor and practice supervisor. The table below shows the different interviews.
Interview | What happens |
Orientation Interview |
There are some elements of orientation that must be completed on the first day on each placement. Refer to the Orientation page in the Practice Assessment Document (PAD). These can be completed by an appropriate of the team identified by the learning environment manager. |
Initial Interview |
This is completed by the student with support from the practice supervisor or practice assessor who will identify the learning opportunities available during the placement and will reflect on their achievements. If the practice supervisor completes the initial interview with the student, this needs to be confirmed by the practice assessor. Refer to the Initial interview in the Practice Assessment Document (PAD). |
Mid-point Interview |
This is completed by the student and the practice assessor who will review progress and if there are causes for concern the practice assessor will liaise with the academic assessor and complete an action plan. Refer to the Mid-point interview in the Practice Assessment Document (PAD). |
Final Interview |
This is completed by the student and the practice assessor who will review progress and confirm achievements. At the end of the interview the practice assessor must complete the checklist for assessed documents. Refer to the Final interview in the Practice Assessment Document (PAD). |
After each interview the practice assessor/practice supervisor and the student must complete the relevant interview section in the ePAD.
Criteria for assessment of student learning in practice
Within the PAD, 3 key statements have been developed to reflect the level of performance that the student is required to demonstrate at the end of each Part, as well as the level of assistance that may be required.
The following 3 levels of performance are to be met by the end of each Part.
Part | Level of Performance |
By the end of Part 1 | Guided participation in care and performing with increasing confidence and competence |
By the end of Part 2 | Active participation in care with minimal guidance and performing with increased confidence and competence |
By the end of Part 3 | Practising independently with minimal supervision and leading and co-ordinating care with confidence |
In addition to achieving the required level of performances at the end of the Part, the student is assessed against a specified set of criteria related to knowledge, skills, attitudes and values for each component of assessment within the PAD.
These criteria are used to assess the student on different placements across the year as they work towards the overall performance level to be achieved by the end of the Part.
Concerns about student performance and action planning
If the student's performance gives cause for concern at the mid-point interview or at any point during the practice learning experience, these must be discussed with the student and an action plan must be completed in the ePAD to enable to student to address this prior to the final interview.
The student will normally have at least 4 weeks before the end of the placement to redeem an action plan.
The practice assessor must notify the academic assessor from the university of this process.
Useful information about placements
Hours and study days
Placement hours
Students are required to complete a minimum of 2,300 hours clinical practice education to fulfil the statutory requirements for the NMC.
It is important that students maintain an accurate record of their placement hours completed using the Timesheet Management System (TMS) via POW. Student hours can only be counted if they have been verified by a practice supervisor or practice assessor via an email link. It is recommended that the practice supervisor verify the student hours on a shift by shift basis to ensure the accuracy of the record.
For guidance on rejecting or approving hours, watch our how to video: Rejecting or approving a timesheet on TMS (YouTube).
The target hours for each Nursing Practice Module and the total number of hours in the programme are as shown below. Each Nursing Practice module will have more than one practice placement which will be made up of a combination of hub and spoke experiences.
Part | Module Code | Module Name | Hours |
Part 1 | NUR4004P | Nursing Practice 1 | 748 |
Part 2 | NUR5004P | Nursing Practice 2 | 788 |
Part 3 | NUR6004P | Nursing Practice 3 | 824 |
Total | 2360 |
Study days and shift patterns
The working week for students from York St John University whilst on placement will normally be 30 hours plus 1 day per week in the university setting.
Year of programme | University study day |
Year 1 | Monday |
Year 2 | Tuesday |
Year 3 | Thursday |
Students are expected to work the same shift patterns as registered nurses and these may include early shifts, late shifts, night shifts and weekends.
Students with mitigating circumstances may have an adjusted working week but this must be negotiated with the academic assessor and practice assessor.
Making reasonable adjustments
Supporting adjustments
Reasonable adjustments for students are supported by York St John University and their placement providers throughout the practice placements.
If a student has a problem or health condition which may compromise their fitness to practise, it is the student's responsibility to protect themselves and their patients/clients by seeking appropriate support.
Practice assessors and practice supervisors can support students by working with academic assessors and guiding students through the 5 step process.
Any information a student provides you with about a disability must be processed sensitively and confidentially.
Five Step Support Process
Step | Actions |
Step 1 | Students meet with University Disability Practitioner to identify needs and discuss strategies and support. |
Step 2 | Student meets with academic assessor to discuss how strategies and support needs might be implemented in practice placement. |
Step 3 | Student completes Placement Support Agreement to share with practice assessor / practice supervisor. This should be uploaded into the ePortfolio. |
Step 4 | Academic assessor may contact practice learning facilitator if required to make any specific arrangements agreed with the student. |
Step 5 | Student and academic assessor review adjustments to ensure support is adequate. |
Reporting absence
Reporting to the university
It is imperative that students report all time off from placement to and through the Absence or Self-Isolation Report Form.
Students should also give an indication of when they will be returning to the placement. Students must record the absence in their electronic Practice Assessment Document.
Reporting to the placement
Students are advised to report their absence to practice assessor/supervisor, in accordance with local policies, normally before 9:00am on the first day of absence.
If a student fails to report sickness or absence but remains away from placement please notify the Programme Administration and Support Service at York St John on and contact the academic assessor.
Key placement support contacts at York St John University
Team | Contact name | Contact details |
Placements team | Andrea Stimson and Nic Peard | |
Placement Co-ordinator |
Rachael Wheeldon (Adult Health) David Wilcock (Adult Health) Lizzie Richardson (Mental Health) Ellie Leonard (Enrichments) |
Rachael Wheeldon: 01904 876 161 David Wilcock: 01904 876 178 Lizzie Richardson: 01904 876 674 |
Programme Administration and Support Service |
Josie Bacon Sam Coates |
Josie Bacon: 01904 876 392 Sam Coates: 01904 876 257 |
Academic assessor | See student's PebblePad Practice Assessment Document | |
Student Health Centre |
01904 439 100 or visit Student Health Centre page |
Disability Support | Disability support page | |
Wellbeing Support |
Telephone 01904 876414 between 10.00am and 4.00pm, Monday to Friday Out of hours or for students at risk of imminent harm, please call the University Security team on 01904 876 444 or 07779 967 756 |