York Business School
York Business School academic staff directory
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Showing 21 - 30 of 79 results
Senior Lecturer in Accounting and Finance
Senior Lecturer in Business Management
- E: d.moisieiev@yorksj.ac.uk
- T: 01904 876 190
- Postgraduate Research Supervisor
Professor - Intercultural Management
- E: d.weir@yorksj.ac.uk
- T: 01904 876 098
- Postgraduate Research Supervisor
Associate Dean for Law and Policing
- E: e.gheyohndzi@yorksj.ac.uk
- T: 01904 876 265
- Postgraduate Research Supervisor
Marketing Lecturer, Course Lead: Undergraduate Marketing Courses
Associate Professor
- E: e.sointu@yorksj.ac.uk
- T: 01904 876 869
- Postgraduate Research Supervisor
Lecturer, Economics
Associate Professor
- E: g.boak@yorksj.ac.uk
- Postgraduate Research Supervisor