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Evaluation and research team

The Converge Evaluation and Research Team (CERT) offer bespoke evaluations of mental health services and community projects.

Our team is made up of people with lived experience of mental health difficulties. All group members have trained in research methods at York St John University.

To find out more or arrange an evaluation email

What we offer

We produce bespoke evaluations of your mental health service or community project. This can be a springboard for service improvement. 

Evaluations are tailored to the outcomes most important to you. We conduct research through interviews, questionnaires and focus groups. We specialise in using inventive approaches to support people who find it hard to express themselves.

At the end of the evaluation you will receive an evaluation report. We can use creative methods, such as theatre and art, to help share these findings at conferences and events.

Why you should choose a CERT evaluation

  • Relevance for your service

    We tailor your evaluation to your service or project outcomes. We do this by listening to what you want to evaluate and designing research around it.
  • Simple outcomes

    We help you to select simple, user-friendly and innovative outcome measures.
  • Non-biased answers

    We encourage open and honest responses from your participants.
  • Clear recommendations

    We help you make meaningful interpretations of your data. We make recommendations for service improvement where appropriate

What makes us different

CERT stand out from other research teams across the UK. Our own experience of living mental ill health informs the work we produce.

This allows us to:

  • Provide support to people who find it difficult to express themselves
  • Involve service users in the research and evaluation process
  • Produce meaningful and relevant recommendations for service improvement
  • Create social change and empower marginalised groups

A case study - Arts Network

CERT was commissioned by the Igen Trust to evaluate Arts Network. The aim of the evaluation was to gather the views and perceptions of those who had accessed Arts Network.

CERT provided a report of the current programme and made recommendations for future development.

Download the report here: Arts Network CERT report 2019 (PDF 2.4 MB)