Explore recent work, journal articles and publications relating to Converge.
Books and journal articles
Anderson, E. et al. (2022). Rewriting the Space Between a University and a Healthcare Provider: The Model of Converge. In: Walker, C., Zlotowitz, S., Zoli, A. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Innovative Community and Clinical Psychologies. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Asghar, M. and Rowe, N. (2016). Learning from the unfamiliar: How does working with people who use mental health services impact on students' learning and development? Journal of Further and Higher Education.
Asghar, M. and Rowe, N. (2017). Reciprocity and critical reflection as the key to social justice in service learning: A case study. Innovations in Education and Teaching International.
Bond, M. (2017). Addressing Mental Health at Universities Through Exercise, PsychReg.
Cotterill, D. and Coleman, L. (2017). Creativity as a Transformative Process, in: C. Long, J. Cronin-Davis and D Cotterill (Eds) Occupational Therapy Evidence in Practice for Mental Health 2nd ed. (Wiley).
Fairclough, M. (2023) Making Ends Meat. Manchester: Writing Tree Press (Converge Inprint.)
Heinemeyer, Catherine (2019) "Roving" and recovery in storytelling for mental health: reclaiming the city, resingularising ourselves. Storytelling, Self, Society: An interdisciplinary journal of storytelling studies, 14(2).
Heinemeyer, Catherine and Rowe, Nick (2019) Being known, branching out: troupes, teams and recovery. Mental Health Review Journal. (In Press)
Kenwright, H (Ed) (2018-23) Creative Writing Heals: New Writing from Converge students at York St John University Volumes 1-6. Manchester, Writing Tree Press.
Lambley, R., Kaley, E., Morris, R., Robinson, A., Rowe, N., Sellar-Edmunds, J. and Wynn-Werninck, T. (2019). 'Wow, it's at the University'! Experiences of people with mental illness of an educational arts programme. Journal of Applied Arts and Health, 10(3), 315-332.
Lambley, R. (2021). Small talk matters! Creating allyship in mental health research. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 18(4), 586-600.
Newton, S. and Rowe, N. (2018) Students not Patients: Opening up the University to those with mental health problems, in: S. Billingham (Ed) Access to Success and Social Mobility Through Higher Education. Bingley, UK, Emerald Publishing.
Pendle, A., Rowe, N., and Britten, D. (2017). Coaching in a non-clinical setting with coachees who access mental health services. International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring, 15(1).
Reason, M. and Rowe, N. (Eds) (2017). Applied Practice: Evidence and Impact in Theatre, Music and Art. London, Bloomsbury.
Rowe, N. (2010) Bridging the Divide: Supporting people who use mental health services to enter higher education, in: M. Cooper (Ed) Changing the Culture of the Campus: Towards an Inclusive Higher Education – Ten Years On. London: European Access Network.
Rowe, N. (2011) Border Crossings: Arts and health work in a university. Journal of Applied Arts and Health, 1(3), 241-250.
Rowe, N., Jones, C., Seeger, L., Greaves, G., Holman, C. and Turner, H. (2011). Forgetting the Machine: Patients' experiences of engaging in artwork while on renal dialysis. Journal of Applied Arts and Health, 2(1), 57-72.
Rowe, N., Forshaw, N. and Alldred G. (2013). A return to ordinariness: How does working alongside people who use mental health services affect theatre students' attitudes to mental illness? Journal of Applied Arts and Health, 4(2), 151-162.
Rowe, N. (2015). Creating a Healing Campus: A Partnership between a University and a Provider of Mental Health Services. University Partnerships for Community and School System Development, 5, 119-134). Online: Emerald Insight.
Rowe, N. (2017). Converge, in: L. Higgins and L. Willingham Engaging in Community Music: An introduction. New York and London, Routledge, 111-113.
Rowe, N. and Reason, M. (2017) Purpose, Outcomes and Obliquity: To Plan or Not to Plan, in: M. Reason and N. Rowe (Eds) Applied Practice: Evidence and Impact in Theatre, Music and Art. London, Bloomsbury.
Stannage, E. (2017). Precariousness and Groundedness in arts in mental health. Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance, 22(1): 153-156.
Wall, T., Fries, J., Rowe N., Malone, E. and Osterlind, E. (2018) Drama and Theatre for Health and Wellbeing, in: Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Good Health and Well-Being.
Reports by the Converge Evaluation and Research Team (CERT)
Greater Manchester Mental Health in Further Education Evaluation Project: Greater Manchester Mental Health in Further Education Report (PDF, 1.6 MB)
Converge Evaluation Project: Converge Evaluation Project Full Report (PDF, 5.4 MB)