Visitor expenses
How to claim payment for visitor expenses.
The EXP02 Visitor Expenses Claim form should only be used when no other claim for fees is being made.
Payment for visitor expenses is made through the purchase ledger system.
Expenses claims are paid to individuals only. If payment is to be made to a company or a school, an official company invoice should be submitted to York St John University.
EXP02 can be found on the Finance Forms page under Staff Expenses.
Checklist for EXP02 expenses forms
- Have all related receipts been submitted with the claim? *Credit/debit card slips must be accompanied by an itemised receipt.
- Have the name and address boxes been completed clearly?
- Has the form been signed by the claimant?
The form should be sent to the school or department who have agreed to fund the expenses, for them to authorise payment.