York St John London Campus - Careers
Career wellbeing
Find out how we can help you to manage your career wellbeing.
Career wellbeing simply means finding your work enjoyable and utilising your skills and strengths.
People with good career wellbeing show an interest in their job and in return maintain a healthy work life balance.
As a student you may get overwhelmed with studies, coursework, part time jobs and social life. As an international student it is normal to feel homesick and less motivated to go through the challenges in a new country, especially when your loved ones are not around to support you.
Therefore, it is important that you maintain a balance to make sure that you enjoy your time as a student. Understanding the signs and symptoms of job searching and interview stress could help prevent further wellbeing issues.
How we can help you
The Student Opportunities and Careers team are here to help.
We can listen to your concerns and fears and help you to find the support you need. This may include referring you to the York St John University wellbeing services or other support services.
If you'd like to talk to us, please book a 1 to 1 appointment with a Careers Adviser. During this session we will explore the best ways to support you.